1xbet best casino website Codes
1xbet best casino website Code Allocation Sheet

1xbet best casino website /Activity Code % of Time or FTE
Undergraduate Instruction A
Graduate Instruction B
Undergraduate Academic Advising C
Graduate Academic Advising D
Departmentally Funded Research - Research funded through the department and not from an outside source. E
Other Funded Research/Creative Work - Research funded from an outside source such as AES, Engineering Experiment Station, Grant Contracts. F
Public 1xbet best casino website
Public 1xbet best casino website - Externally-funded public 1xbet best casino website such as Cooperative Extension 1xbet best casino website . Also includes non-credit programs. G
University and Departmental 1xbet best casino website Activities - Internal activities including committees, task forces, and other public 1xbet best casino website work in relation to the Department and/or University. H
Professional 1xbet best casino website - External public 1xbet best casino website to professional organizations, national associations (Big 12 Representative), journal reviewer. I
Professional Development - Activities associated with the development or improvement of a faculty member's/staff's skills and abilities. This would include: Sabbaticals, workshops, extended training programs or activities, Harvard Management Workshop. J
Academic Support - Activities carried out in direct support of instruction, research, and public 1xbet best casino website . This would include Library, Art Museum, academic computing. It includes activities that directly contribute to the way in which instruction is delivered or research is conducted. K
Academic Administration - Includes administrative functions associated with instruction, research, and public 1xbet best casino website . This would include activities of the college Deans, department heads, and activities associated with their support staff. L
Student 1xbet best casino website - Activities associated with counseling, admissions, registration, financial aid, and student activities. M
General Administration - Administrative support activities that are in direct 1xbet best casino website /support to the entire University. It includes executive management, institutional support areas, facilities, and administrative computer support. N
Total =