University and College scholarship 1xbet best casino website Committees

General Scholarship and Student Financial Aid Committee (3050)

This committee is currently not meeting.

Develops policies and procedures for student financial aid other than athletic grants-in-aid. Examines the records of applicants for various 1xbet best casino website and selects recipients. Members appointed by college offices and the Student Governing Association. Reports to Provost.

College of Agriculture 1xbet best casino website (3051)

Dan Moser, Chair, Ag Academic Programs
Elizabeth Yeager, Ag Economics
Nathan Nelson, Agronomy
Micheal Brouk, Animal Sciences and Industry
Jacqueline Aenlle , Ag Communications/Ag Education
Brian McCornack, Entomology
Huseyin Dogan, Grain Science and Industry
Kim Williams, Horticulture and Natural Resources

College of Engineering 1xbet best casino website (3052)

Gary Clark, Dean's Office
Pam McGlynn, Dean's Office
Craig Wanklyn, Dean's Office
Katie Loughmiller, Architectural Engineering and Construction Science

College of Health and Human Sciences 1xbet best casino website (3053)

Shawna Jordan, Chair
Barbara Anderson, IDFS Rep
Nancy King, HM Rep
Erika Lindshield, FNDH Rep
Melinda Markham, AHS Rep
Martin Seay, PFP Rep
Steven Copp, KIN Rep
Pam Evans, GERON Rep

College of Business Administration 1xbet best casino website (3056)

Ansley Chua, Associate Dean
Allyson Demott, Dean's Office

K-State Salina 1xbet best casino website (3057)

Keenan Lippert, SGA Representative
Megan Lorson, Mathematics, Faculty Representative
Kathy Brockway, Business, Faculty Representative
Tim Bower, Computer Systems Technology, Faculty Representative
Alyssa Wendel, Residence Life, KSU Salina Professional Staff Representative
Austin Walden, Aviation, Faculty/Professional Staff Representative
Pam Bower, Library, USS Representative
Galen Bunning (ex-officio)
Jessica Johnson (ex-officio)
Cindy Newell (ex-officio)
Michael James (ex-officio)

College of Education 1xbet best casino website (3058)

Roberta Hodges & Pam Monroe, Co-Chairs
Roger Schieferecke, Center for Student Success and Professional Services
Jessica Lane, Special Education, Counseling & Student Affairs
James Teagarden, Special Education, Counseling & Student Affairs
Royce Ann Collins, Educational Leadership
Suzanne Porath, Curriculum and Instruction
TJ Duntz, Center for Student Success and Professional Services

College of Veterinary Medicine Awards and 1xbet best casino website (3059)

Bruce Schultz, Anatomy and Physiology
Susan Lyon, Clinical Sciences
Katie Reif, Diagnostic Medicine / Pathobiology
James Roush, ex officio

College of Architecture, Planning and Design 1xbet best casino website (3060)

Katie Kingery-Page, Chair
Mariana Garcia Junqueira, IAID
Karina Taufi, ENVD
Torgeir Norheim, ARCH
Hyung Jin Kim, LARCP
Becky O’Donnell, support staff
