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For more information about Faculty Senate please visit the following site: 1xbet sports betting & Uncl

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David Rintoul
Division of Biology
116F Ackert 1xbet online games login ; 532-6615 drintoul@ksu.edu

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Fred Guzek
Salina Arts, Science, and Business
104A Tech Center; 826-2648 fguzek@ksu.edu


Loleta Sump
Division of Facilities
Dykstra 1xbet online games login ; 532-1718 loleta@ksu.edu

Past 1xbet online games login

Julia Keen
Architectural Engineering & Construction Science
240 Seaton 1xbet online games login ; 532-3575 jkeen@ksu.edu

Non-Voting Parliamentarian

Jerry Frieman
419 Bluemont 1xbet online games login
Psychological Sciences; frieman@ksu.edu

All officers of Faculty Senate may be reached at their respective departments or by contacting the 1xbet sports betting &, 211 Fairchild 1xbet online games login , Manhattan, KS 66506, 532-6053, facsen@k-state.edu.