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Since there is some variation in the documentation required by departments and colleges, each candidate should contact the appropriate administrators to determine what must be included in his or her individual documentation package.Sections I-IV of the package are used to summarize the candidates achievements. In this, Section II is to be completed by the Department Head so that the candidate has this written description of responsibilities prior to compiling the documentation package. The remaining sections described in the guidelines are to be completed by the candidate.Any documentation not required by the candidate's department and College may simply be omitted. College and/or department requirements not covered by Sections IIX should be included under Section IX  Other Summary Information Requested by the Department or College.Detailed support for example, student ratings of instruction, reprints and/or manuscripts, a detailed curriculum vita should be presented under separate cover and labeled Supporting Documentation.Department Head's and Dean's Responsibilities:The Department Head will include his or her written recommendation and summary of the departmental faculty's recommendation(s) following Section I when the candidate's package is forwarded to the Dean. The Department Head will discuss the review and assessment with the candidate. Similarly, the Dean will include his or her written recommendation when the package is forwarded to the Provost.The Dean will forward the candidates package to the College Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee. The Dean will forward a letter of assessment to the candidate that includes a summary of the recommendations from the college Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee. MID-TENURE DOCUMENTATIONKansas State UniversityCover SheetRecommendation by the Department Head (to be completed by the Department Head)Description of Responsibilities During Evaluation PeriodStatement by CandidateCandidates statement of accomplishmentsCandidates statement of five year goalsInstructional ContributionStatement of activities (classes taught, student advisement, etc.)Evidence of instructional quality (student ratings, peer evaluations, evaluation of advisement, etc.)Other evidence of scholarship and creativity that promote excellence in instruction (multimedia presentations, computer-aided instruction, papers published or presented)Research and Other Creative EndeavorsOne page statementListing of research publications and creative achievementsList of grants and contractsService Contributions (two page summary)Cooperative ExtensionExternal Letters of EvaluationOther Summary Information Considered Pertinent by the CollegeSupporting DocumentsTeaching Evaluations (last three years)Reprints and/or ManuscriptsOther MaterialsDetailed Curriculum Vitae Mid-Tenure Documentation  SECTION I(To be filled out by the Department Head) Department/unit:________________________________________________________________A. Name of Candidate: __________________________________________________________B. Current rank: ____________________ Year & Month Received: _____________________C. Average distribution of assignment: Research: _________________________Instruction: _______________________Service: __________________________Cooperative Extension: ______________ Administration: _____________________D. Highest degree:______________________________________________________________ Date degree was received:_______________ ; Institution: _________________________E. Years of professional experience prior to: KSU _____________; at KSU _________________ I have reviewed the documents contained herein and it contains all of the materials I wish to submit.Candidate's Signature ___________________________________ To be completed by the Department Head after departmental reviewFaculty Recommendation:Re-appointmentNumber voting yesNumber voting noNumber abstainingNumber absent and not votingDepartment/Unit Head recommendation for re-appointment: Yes ( No (Department Head's Signature ___________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES DURING EVALUATION PERIODSECTION IITo be completed by Department/Unit Head and signed by Candidate and Head.___________________________ ___________________________Candidate's Signature Department Head's Signature ___________________________ ___________________________Date DateSTATEMENT BY CANDIDATEStatement of Candidate Accomplishments SECTION III  AInstructions: Candidate is to provide a onepage summary of major achievements during the evaluation period at the local, regional, national, and international levels. Candidate may provide any other information he/she feels pertinent to the mid-tenure review decision. Summary is limited to the space provided below. STATEMENT BY CANDIDATEStatement of FiveYear GoalsSECTION III  BInstructions: Candidate is to provide a onepage statement of the individual's fiveyear goals with respect to teaching, research, service, and any other scholarly activity. Statement is limited to the space provided below. SUMMARY OF CANDIDATE'S INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITYSECTION IV AInstructions: Candidate is to provide a onepage summary of courses taught, student advisement, thesis supervision, and any other evidence of instructional productivity. Summary is limited to the space provided below. SUMMARY OF CANDIDATE'S INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITYSECTION IV BInstructions: Candidate is to provide evidence of instructional quality such as ratings, peer evaluations, evaluation of advisement, outcomes of instructional projects directed, awards, etc. Summary is limited to the space provided below. OTHER EVIDENCE OF SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVITY IN INSTRUCTIONSECTION IV CInstructions: Candidate is to provide any other evidence of scholarship and creativity that promote excellence in teaching such as multimedia presentations, computeraided instruction, innovative teaching methods, instructionrelated publication, presentations, etc. Summary is limited to the space provided below. RESEARCH AND OTHER CREATIVE ACTIVITIESSECTION V AInstructions: Candidate is to provide a onepage statement of research and other creative activities. Statement is limited to the space provided below. RESEARCH AND OTHER CREATIVE ACTIVITIESSECTION V  BInstructions: Candidate is to provide a list of publications and other creative achievements for the evaluation period. Include items accepted but not yet published/presented. Indicate clearly which items have been peer reviewed. RESEARCH AND OTHER CREATIVE ACTIVITIESSECTION V  CInstructions: Candidate is to provide a list of grants and contracts funded during the evaluation period. Include agency, funding level, duration, title, and collaborators. Candidate may provide a separate list of grants and contracts applied for but not funded during the evaluation period. SERVICE CONTRIBUTIONSSECTION VIInstructions: Candidate is to provide a statement of service contributions during the evaluation period. Statement should provide evidence of leadership. A list of committees on which the person served may be provided. Statement and committee listing may not exceed two pages. COOPERATIVE EXTENSIONSECTION VIIInstructions: Candidate is to provide a onepage summary of his/her cooperative extension record for the evaluation period. The statement should provide evidence of productivity, quality, creativity, and originality. A separate list of extension publications (including those accepted but not yet published), meetings, workshops, etc. may be provided. 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