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Does the applicant have instructional duties, either on or off-campus?Is the MID workload agreeable to both the applicant and the department head?Is this the applicants first or second MID request?Is the request within 12 months of the qualifying event?Is a signed agreement in place for the applicant to resume regular duties for at least 8-months after the period of modified instructional duties?Is the period of time being requested for the MID allowable?* Note: Faculty are ineligible if they have been denied tenure or received Notice of Non-ReappointmentDepartmental Planning InformationSpecify the period being requested: Fall semester [ ] Spring semester [ ] ____ months (must be four or less) Has the applicant requested a delay in the tenure clock?[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] N.A.Will the period of MID be shared with another K-State faculty member who is a co-equal caregiver?Has the applicant requested concurrent FMLA? If so, for what portion of the period of MID? _____ FTEApplication Process, please check, (Was the MID request submitted at least 5 months in advance? If not, is the statement explaining the reason for exception attached?Is there a statement justifying the need for MID?Is there a statement of caregiver status, primary or co-equal?Is there a proposal describing requested modifications, including description of the duties that will be performed during the MID period? Department/Unit Head ApprovalDH Initials __________________________________ is eligible to apply for MID and this application meets policy criteriaThis proposal is in the best interest of the units and the school/colleges missionsApproval of this MID request will not disrupt or cause undue burden to the unit/department/programSIGNATURE: DATE: _____________________________________________ _____________________________Print Name:Approved by:__________________________________________ ____________________ , Dean/Vice President DATE___________________________________________ ____________________ , Provost DATE:   % E F H I     Y Z [ \ ] ^ ) * d e 5 6 7 8 : @ DEֻతజజȊజh"]Wh 5CJh`CJaJh CJaJhh :CJaJhh CJaJ jhh 5CJh 5CJh`5CJhh 5CJhh CJhh 5>*CJh"h 5CJ6;<H I v w mxkd$$Iflr'r'  t 0r'44 lalp yt` $Ifgd $a$gd $a$gd    Z [ \ ] @kd$$Ifl4\>$r'>v`6` t0r'44 lalp( $Ifgd ] ^ I@4&$Ifgd o $$Ifa$gd $Ifgd kds$$Ifl4\>$r'>v 6  t0r'44 lalp( ) * <3' $$Ifa$gd $Ifgd kdK$$Ifl\>$r'>v6 t0r'44 lalp($Ifgd o* c d e <3 $Ifgd kd$$Ifl\>$r'>v6 t0r'44 lalp($Ifgd o 6 7 $Ifgd o,$Ifgd $$Ifa$gd 7 8 J:$,$Ifa$gd`kd$$Ifl\>$r'>v6 t0r'44 lalp( { $Ifgd xkd$$Iflr'r'  t 0r'44 lalp yt` EFGssjj^jj $$Ifa$gd $Ifgd ,$Ifgd kdG$$Iflr'r'  t 0r'644 lalgp yt`EFG'123fg23IJghsu9;ƿƝ{hh CJ aJ hh CJaJhh 5CJaJhh CJaJh h 5CJ jhh 5CJh 5CJhh 5CJh h CJh CJaJhh CJaJhh CJh h CJaJ.CH?3? $$Ifa$gd $Ifgd kd$$Ifl\5$r'5Hv t0r'644 lalg%$If^%`gd Cu?7$a$gd kd$$Ifl\5$r'5Hv t0r'644 lalg%$If^%`gd $Ifgd 23ef|p[$If]^`gd $$Ifa$gd zkdI$$Iflr'r'  t 0r'644 lalp yt` $Ifgd fg12^UIU4$If]^`gd $$Ifa$gd $Ifgd kd$$Ifl\>$r'>vHv t0r'644 lal23Jht^YPP $Ifgd gd kd$$Ifl\>$r'>vHv t0r'644 laltug^^ $Ifgd kd- $$Ifl0 !`' !T  t0`'644 lalpyt`9:{{ $Ifgd zkd $$Ifl0 !`' !T t0`'644 lal:;{{ $Ifgd zkdv $$Ifl0 !`' !T t0`'644 lal{{{{ $Ifgd zkd $$Ifl0 !`' !T t0`'644 lalKLMxv ^`gd)gd ^`gd gkd $$Ifl`'`' t0`'644 lal$,CEFKMry龷ݮ鍾ݣwswswswshdhdsh"hh"CJaJh_thh_tCJjhh_tCJUh)5CJhh B*CJaJphhh CJaJh)5CJaJh 5CJhh 5CJh 5CJaJhh 5CJaJhh 5CJaJhh 5CJaJhh CJaJ' ^`gd)gd hh CJaJ21h:p / =!8"#h$% $$Ifl!vh#vr':V l  t 0r'5r'alp yt`$$Ifl!vh#v>#vv#v6#v:V l4 t0r'++5>5v565alp($$Ifl!vh#v>#vv#v6#v:V l4 t0r'++5>5v565alp($$Ifl!vh#v>#vv#v6#v:V l t0r'5>5v565alp($$Ifl!vh#v>#vv#v6#v:V l t0r'5>5v565alp($$Ifl!vh#v>#vv#v6#v:V l t0r'5>5v565alp($$Ifl!vh#vr':V l  t 0r'5r'alp yt`$$Ifl!vh#vr':V l  t 0r'65r'algp yt`$$Ifl!vh#v5#v#vH#vv:V l t0r'65555H5valg$$Ifl!vh#v5#v#vH#vv:V l t0r'65555H5valg$$Ifl!vh#vr':V l  t 0r'65r'alp yt`$$Ifl!vh#v>#vv#vH#vv:V l t0r'65>5v5H5val$$Ifl!vh#v>#vv#vH#vv:V l t0r'65>5v5H5val$$Ifl!vh#v !#vT:V l  t0`'65 !5Talpyt`$$Ifl!vh#v !#vT:V l t0`'65 !5Tal$$Ifl!vh#v !#vT:V l t0`'65 !5Tal$$Ifl!vh#v !#vT:V l t0`'65 !5Talw$$Ifl!vh#v`':V l t0`'65`'als666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@PJ_HmH nH sH tH @`@ (TNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k (0No List jj PY Table Grid7:V04@4 3;0HeaderH$.. 3;0 Header Char4 @"4 3;0FooterH$.1. 3;0 Footer CharPBP 0 Balloon TextCJOJQJaJmHsHtHN/QN 0Balloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJB' aB 0Comment ReferenceCJaJHrH 0 Comment TextCJaJmHsHtHB/B 0Comment Text CharCJaJ@jqr@ 0Comment Subject5\N/N 0Comment Subject Char5CJ\aJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w<v D E ! ] * 7 Cf2t:  T # @H 0(  0(  B S  ?  8:E F o"(<_t&'&)%5+Wh9DQ `y @    @UnknownSUSANA L. 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