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Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President

Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President
Kansas State University
108 Anderson Hall
919 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506-0110


Presidential Committees and Councils

K-State Distinguished Lecturers 1xbet online games login (8010)

This 1xbet online games login is currently not meeting.

Provides a highly visible platform for prominent visiting researchers and scholars, and distinguished public intellectuals. The 1xbet online games login solicits written proposals from departments or units. Preference will be given to cooperative proposals representing several departments or units and which involve matching funds. Reports to Provost.

K-State Undergraduate Honor Council and Staff (8015)

View additional information and current membership of the 1xbet online casino Council.

Governmental Relations (8020)

This 1xbet online games login is currently not meeting.

To meet on a regular basis to share information about K-State. Reports to the President.

Information Resource Management Council (8034)

This 1xbet online games login is currently not meeting.

The IRMC was created to develop, review, revise and endorse information resource policies for the university community. Policy may be initiated by the council or considered from interim policies or drafts from various information technology units on campus. All policy related to information technology should be approved by the IRMC. Reports to the Chief Information Officer.

University 1xbet online games login on Academic Technology Tools (8035)

Scott Finkeldei, Director for Academic and 1xbet online games login Technology, Co-Chair
Don Saucier, Professor, Psychological Sciences, and Faculty Associate Director of the Teaching and Learning Center, Co-
Shawna Jordan, Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor, Deans Office, College of Health & Human Sciences
Ryan Leimkuehler, University Archivist and Associate Professor, K-State Libraries
Jason Maseberg Tomlinson, Director, 1xbet online games login Access Center
Jo Maseberg-Tomlinson, Interim Director, Program Development & Management, K-State Global Campus
Dan Moser, Associate Dean of Academic Programs, Deans Office, College of Agriculture
Yasmin Patell, Teaching Professor, Chemistry, College of Arts & Sciences
Beth Pesnell, Teaching Assistant Professor, Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education
Lisa Shappee, Director of Instructional Design and Faculty Support, K-State Salina
Kimberly Voight, Director of 1xbet online games login Services, K-State Olathe
Kevin Wanklyn, Teaching Assistant Professor, Alan Levin, Department of Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering, Carl R. Ice College of Engineering
Jan Waterhouse, Associate Dean, Colleges, Discovery & Information Technology, K-State Libraries
Victor Oladoja, Graduate 1xbet online games login Representative (AY 23-24)
Brian Blood, SGA Representative (AY 23-24)
Lance Philgreen, SGA Representative (AY 23-24)
Paige Vulgamore, SGA Representative (AY 23-24)

The Advisory 1xbet online games login will recommend a vision for the use of academic technology tools across the university, identify best practices and standards for the use of such tools, and recommend and implement a process for determining and communicating the tools recommended for use by K-State faculty, staff, and students that will be supported by the Division of Information Technology. In the first year, the 1xbet online games login should complete a survey of academic technology tools currently in use for teaching across the university; identify where we have gaps in meeting pedagogical, student, and faculty needs as well as unnecessary duplication; and make recommendations on next steps to 1) better support faculty, allowing them to teach content rather than “teaching the tool”, 2) improve cost effectiveness and technology support, and 3) improve the student educational experience both pedagogically and by helping to control their classroom costs. Reports to the Provost and Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer.

Campus Recycling Advisory 1xbet online games login (8038)

This 1xbet online games login is currently not meeting.

Develops campus recycling policies for consideration by the central administration, discusses issues related to campus recycling and development of educational/promotional activities regarding recycling on the Manhattan Campus. Reports to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

KSU 1xbet online games login for Public Art (8039)

This 1xbet online games login is currently not meeting.

Provides advice on the suitability of sculpture or other works of art and their proposed location on the Manhattan campus. Reports to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Campus Planning and Development Advisory 1xbet online games login (8040)


Trisha Gott, Leadership Studies, Faculty Senate Representative (AY 23-24)
Regina Crowell, Psychological Sciences, USS Representative (AY 22-23)
VACANT, 1xbet online games login for Environmental Action Representative (AY 25-26)
Patrick Winter, Provost Office Representative (AY 23-24)
Beth Montelone, Vice President for Research Representative (AY 23-24)
Thomas Lane, Vice President for Division of Academic Success and 1xbet online games login Affairs (AY 24-25)
Kyle Larson, Building Project Review Representative (AY 23-24)
VACANT, Building Project Review Representative (AY 25-26)
Michael McClure, Architecture, Planning & Design, Deans Council Representative (AY 25-26)
VACANT, Parking Council Representative
Scott McElwain, University Gardens, Landscape Advisory 1xbet online games login Representative (AY 23-24)

Ex-officio members

Casey Lauer, Associate Vice President, Division of Facilities (VPAF representative)
Lisa Johnson, Assistant Vice President, Campus Planning and Project Management
Jason Maseberg Tomlinson, Director, 1xbet online games login Access Center
Derek Jackson, Director, Housing and Dining Services

Advises the Vice President for Administration and Finance on the development, implementation, and continual updating of a Long Range Plan for the Physical Development of the Kansas State University campus and lands. Reports to the Vice President for Administration and Finance. (If the year of term end is not marked, then the person/job position of person is permanent 1xbet online games login member.)

Council on Parking Operations (8041)

Nick Lander, Housing & Dining Services Rep, CHAIR, ex-officio

Michael Brouk, Animal Sciences & Industry, Faculty, Faculty Senate Rep (AY 23-24)
Wendy Matlock, English, Faculty, Faculty Senate Rep (AY 25-26)
VACANT, Faculty, Faculty Senate Rep (AY 25-26)

Pamela Vander Pol, NACADA, Unclassified Professional, Faculty Senate Rep (AY 23-24)
Erin Muirhead, Civil Engineering, Unclassified Professional, Faculty Senate Rep (AY 25-26)
VACANT, Unclassified Professional, Faculty Senate Rep (AY 25-26)

Teresa Zerbe, Philosophy, USS Senate Rep (AY 23-24)
VACANT, USS Senate Rep (AY 24-25)
VACANT, USS Senate Rep (AY 24-25)
Sandy Emme, Facilities, USS Senate Rep (AY 25-26)
Barb Wells, DASSA, USS Senate Rep (AY 25-26)

Brian Blood, 1xbet online games login Governing Association Rep (AY 23-24)
Anna Coke, 1xbet online games login Governing Association Rep (AY 23-24)
Carson Cuesta, 1xbet online games login Governing Association Rep (AY 23-24)
Rylee Coy, 1xbet online games login Governing Association Rep (AY 23-24)

Ex-officio members
VACANT, Campus Planning and Development Advisory 1xbet online games login
Nick Lander, Housing & Dining Services Rep
Andrew Koharchik, University Police Rep
Jeff Barnes, Director, Parking Services
VACANT, Student Senate Communications 1xbet online games login (individual also serves as Speaker pro tempore of the Student Senate)
Casey Lauer, AVP, Facilities, non-voting
Aimee Hawkes, Chair, Parking Citation Appeals Board, non-voting
Advises the Vice President for Administration and Finance concerning policies governing (1) traffic patterns and circulation; (2) parking fees and parking accommodations for faculty, staff, students, visitors, and clientele; and (3) revisions to the parking and traffic regulations; and 4) future parking plans (garages, shuttle service, etc.). The Council may organize itself into subcommittees. It will meet in open meetings and submit advice, recommendations, and minutes to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Parking Citation Appeals Board (8042)

Amy Lee, Center for 1xbet online games login Involvement, Faculty Senate Rep (AY 22-23)
VACANT, Faculty Senate Rep (AY 22-23)
VACANT, Faculty Senate Rep (AY 22-23)

Kylie Rethman, Kansas Forest Service, University Support Staff Senate Rep (AY 22-23)
VACANT, University Support Staff Senate Rep (AY 22-23)

Natalie Nusz, 1xbet online games login Senate Chair, Greek Rep (AY 22-23)
Kaylee Larson, 1xbet online games login Senate Chair, Association of Residence Halls Rep (AY 22-23)
Hattie Polson, 1xbet online games login Senate Chair, Off-Campus Unaffiliated with Organized Living Group Rep (AY 22-23)
Arya Sinha, 1xbet online games login Senate Chair, 1xbet online games login At-Large (AY 22-23)
Brooke Burris, 1xbet online games login Senate Chair, 1xbet online games login At-Large (AY 22-23)
VACANT, 1xbet online games login Senate Chair, 1xbet online games login At-Large (AY 22-23)

Hears appeals on traffic matters from faculty, staff and students. Reports to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Council on Parking Operations - K-State Salina Aerospace & Technology Campus (8043)

Michael James, K-State Salina Fiscal Services, Professional Staff, CHAIR
Kimm Dennis, K-State Salina Fiscal Services, University Support Staff Rep (AY 23-24)
Merta Scott, Salina Integrated Studies, Faculty Rep (AY 23-24)
Jill Serrault, K-State Salina Facilities, University Support Staff Rep (AY 23-24)
Kirsten Zoller, Deans Office, Faculty Senate Rep (AY 23-24)

Sydney Friedli, SGA Representative (AY 23-24)
Charlie Kiehlbauch, SGA Representative (AY 23-24)
Azuki Kusaka, SGA Representative (AY 23-24)
Logal Pyle, SGA Representative (AY 23-24)

Ronnie Grice, Public Safety Director, Manhattan Campus, ex-officio, non-voting
Jeff Barnes, Director of Parking Services, Manhattan Campus, ex-officio, non-voting

Advises the Dean and CEO of K-State Salina Aerospace & Technology Campus concerning policies governing (1) traffic patterns and circulation; (2) parking fees and parking accommodations for faculty, staff, students, visitors, and clientele; and (3) revisions to the parking and traffic regulations; and 4) future parking plans (garages, shuttle service, etc.) for the K-State Salina Aerospace & Technology Campus. The Council may organize itself into subcommittees. It will meet in open meetings and submit advice, recommendations, and minutes to the Dean and CEO of K-State Salina Aerospace & Technology Campus.

Central Management Information Systems (CMIS) Advisory 1xbet online games login (8045)

This 1xbet online games login is currently not meeting.

The 1xbet online games login will act in an advisory capacity to the Vice President for Administration and Finance and the Executive Computing 1xbet online games login . Considering the mission of the university and all affected users, the 1xbet online games login will receive, review, and recommend project proposals; discuss, propose, and advocate short- and long-term direction; and monitor progress of active central management information systems projects. By periodically assessing progress, the 1xbet online games login will be able to make informed recommendations to further progress, redirect efforts, or discontinue a project. Reports to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

University Environmental Stewardship 1xbet online games login (8047)

This 1xbet online games login is currently not meeting.

1xbet online games login is responsible for recommending policies on hazardous waste issues to the Campus Environmental Health and Safety 1xbet online games login , reviewing Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) compliance issues, reviewing notice of violations, recommending and acting as a review board for complaints. Reports to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Laser Safety 1xbet online games login (8048)

(appointed annually, no limitation on number of terms)

Brett DePaola, Physics, CHAIR
Terry Beck, Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Viktor Chikan, Chemistry
Mark Weiss, Anatomy & Physiology, Faculty Senate Representative
Maria Catanach, Environmental Health and Safety, ex-officio
This 1xbet online games login is to oversee the LASER Safety program including but not limited to laboratory/facility inspections to ensure that safety requirements are being met, provide consulting in evaluating and controlling hazards, investigate accidents involving LASERs, require registration of LASERs, and has authority to terminate operations if controls are inadequate. The 1xbet online games login will also act as a sounding board for LASER users. Reports to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Advisory 1xbet online games login for Universal Design and Accessibility (8049)

Jason Maseberg-Tomlinson, 1xbet online games login Access Center, CHAIR, ex officio
Charlotte Self, Human Resources
Garrett Pennington, Communications & Marketing
Heather Mills, Facilities Planning
Angie Brunk, K-State Libraries
David Burke, User Interface Designer, Division of Information Technology
Trina McCarty, Global Campus
Rachel McClurg, Housing & Dining Services
Marilyn Kaff, Special Educatoin, Counseling & 1xbet online games login Affairs, Faculty Representative
Geralyn Tracz, USS Employee Representative
Andrew Art, 1xbet online games login Representative
Lawson Collins, 1xbet online games login Representative
Emily Hertel, 1xbet online games login Representative

This 1xbet online games login functions to identify and analyze barriers, propose solutions, and make recommendations to ensure compliance with accessibility rules and to promote universal design principles in technology, instruction, and services at the university.Reports to the Provost.

Campus Environmental Health and Safety 1xbet online games login (8050)

Adrian Self, National Ag Biosecurity Research Center, Faculty Senate Representative, CHAIR (AY 23-24)

Charles Fehrenbach, Physics, Faculty Senate Representative (AY 23-24)
Kathleen Hatch, Morrison Family Associate Vice President for 1xbet online games login Well-being, Division of Academic Success & 1xbet online games login AffairsRepresentative (AY 23-24)
Rob Reves, Veterinary Health Center, USS Representative (AY 22-23)
VACANT, SGA Representative (AY 23-24)

VACANT, Faculty Senate Representative (AY 25-26)
VACANT, Faculty Senate Representative (AY 25-26)
VACANT, USS Representative (AY 25-26)
VACANT, USS Representative (AY 25-26)

Joe Whitlock, Environmental Health & Safety, ex-officio
Savannah Greiner, National Ag Biosecurity Center, ex-officio
Julie Johnson, BRI, ex-officio
Heath Ritter, University Research Compliance, ex-officio
Lisa Shubert, Architecture, Planning & Design, ex-officio
Adam Ukena, Environmental Health & Safety, ex-officio
Elliot Young, University Risk and Compliance, ex-officio
Brandon Chance, AVP, Risk & Safety, ex-officio

Acts as umbrella 1xbet online games login to other safety committees to coordinate safety-related activities on campus. The Chairs from Safety Committees: 8049-8056, 8060, 8280, and 8290 will also serve as support for this 1xbet online games login . To promote, create, and maintain a safe and healthful environment by conducting inspections for fire safety, industrial safety and chemical safety in campus buildings. Reports to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Radiation Safety 1xbet online games login (8052)

J. Ernest Minton, College of Agriculture, CHAIR

Weiqun "George" Wang, Human Nutrition
Brett Depaola, Physics
Alan Cebula, Nuclear Reactor Manager
Dylan Lutter, Veterinary Health Center
Heath Ritter, Vice President for Research Representative
Tim Durrett, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Gerard Kluitenberg, Agronomy

TBA, Lafene 1xbet online games login Health Center, ex-officio
Maria Catanach, Assistant Radiation Safety Officer / EHS, ex-officio
Ron Bridges, EHS, ex-officio

Formulates University policies and regulations concerning the acquisition, use and disposal of radioactive materials as required by, and in accordance with, Title 10, Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 33 and Kansas Radiation Protection Regulations, Part 3, Regulation 28-35-182 (B),(3)(a). Responsible for radiation safety aspects of activities conducted under University's Radioactive Materials License. Reports to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Reactor Safeguards 1xbet online games login (8053)

Steven Eckels, Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering, ex-officio, CHAIR

Jeremy Roberts, Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering
Hitesh Bindra, Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering
Douglas McGregor, Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering
Ken Shultis, Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering
Brett Depaola, Physics
Jeremy Schmidt, Physics

Ron Bridges, Environmental Health and Safety, ex-officio
Alan Cebula, Reactor Facility Manager, ex-officio

Formulates and reviews reactor safeguards as required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in Title 10, Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, and by NRC Docket No. 50-188 for Reactor License No. R-88, Amendment 3. Reports to Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Institutional Biosafety 1xbet online games login (8056)

Institutional Biosafety 1xbet online games lo

Formulates and implements university policies regarding the use of biohazardous materials at the University, including the practices for constructing and handling of: (1) recombinant DNA molecules; (2) organisms and viruses containing recombinant DNA molecules, according to the federal regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (ref: Federal Register 41, [1976] 27920), and subsequent amendments). The 1xbet online games login also has the responsibility for oversight into the proposed use of infectious agents. Reports to the Vice President of Research.

K-State University Support Staff Award of Excellence Selection 1xbet online games login (8073)

Shanna Legleiter, Human Resources Liaison, CHAIR, ex-officio

Maggi Denton, Faculty Senate Representative (AY 23-24)
Linda Craghead, Unclassified Professional At-Large (AY 23-24)
Regina Crowell, University Support Staff Senate Representative (AY 23-24)
Sandy Emme, University Support Staff At-Large (AY 23-24)

Drew Bellamy, SGA/1xbet online games login Senate Representative (AY 23-24)
Nicholas Edwards, 1xbet online games login At-Large (AY 23-24)
Arlene Jacobson, Previous Year Award Winner (AY 23-24)
Deborah Erickson, Previous Year Award Winner (AY 23-24)
Andy Thurlow, Previous Year Award Winner (AY 23-24)
Mary Oborny, Previous Year Award Winner (AY 23-24)

Manages the award process for the K-State University Support Staff Award of Excellence to include, but not limited to the following: Notify University Support Staff employees nominations are being accepted, review submitted nominations for completeness, review all nomination applications, select awardees for the University Support Staff Award of Excellence based on submitted nomination forms and defined criteria for the award, have awards prepared, notify University Support Staff Senate of awardees, and provide written paragraphs for the recognition ceremony.

President's Award of Excellence for Unclassified Professionals Selection 1xbet online games login (8074)

Shanna Legleiter, Human Resources Liaison, CHAIR, ex-officio

Julia Parcell, Unclassified Professional Rep (AY 24-25)
Marci Ritter, Unclassified Professional Rep (AY 24-25)
Meagan Sadler, Unclassified Professional Rep (AY 24-25)

Joann Kouba, Faculty Rep (AY 23-24)

Kimm Dennis, University Support Staff Rep (AY 24-25)

Kortnee Van Nest, Graduate 1xbet online games login Council Rep (AY 24-25)

Jack O'Malley, SGA Rep (AY 24-25)

Manages the award process for the President's Award of Excellence for Unclassified Professionals, to include, but not limited to the following: Notify the university community that nominations are being accepted, review submitted nominations for completeness, review all nomination applications, select awardees based on submitted nomination forms and defined criteria for the award, have awards prepared, notify the President's Office of awardees, and prepare a news release.

University Commission on Gender Equity (formerly President's Commission on Gender Equity) (8075)


Faculty Representatives

Esther Swilley (AY 23-24)
Judy Klimek (AY 24-25)
Kathleen Voecks (AY 24-25)

Salina Campus Representative

Kris Grinter (AY 24-25)

Unclassified Professional Representatives

Leena Chakrabarti (AY 22-23)
Laurel Moody (AY 24-25)
Natasha Taylor (AY 24-25)

University Support StaffRepresentatives


1xbet online games login Representatives

Payton Lynn, Undergraduate (AY 22-23)
Kate Thomas, Undergraduate (AY 22-23)
Sophia Thuenemann, Undergraduate (AY 22-23)
Taylor Witt, Undergraduate (AY 22-23)
Slava Prokhorets, Graduate (AY 22-23)

Ex officio

Kathrin Schrick, Past Chair
Stephanie Foran, CARE
Christie Launius, Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
Colleen Rittmann, Division of Academic Success & 1xbet online games login Affairs
Sara Thurston, InternationalPrograms
Brandon Haddock, LGBTQ Resource Center
Rachel Levitt, LGBTQ Faculty Staff Alliance
Amber Shumway, Office of Institutional Equity
Rana Johnson, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Make recommendations to university leadership to advance gender equity and equality for students, faculty, and staff at Kansas State University. 1xbet online games login recommendations focus on a range of issues, such as economic status, health, education, and gender-based violence with particular focus on women, but also on other groups who face similar challenges such as transgender, non-binary, and intersex. Reports to the President.

University Support Staff Peer Review (8076)

Hears University Support Staff appeals of decisions on employee performance evaluation ratings, and proposed dismissal, demotion, and suspension where the cases have been processed in accordance with Kansas State University Policies and Procedures Manual. Reports to the Chief Human Resources Officer.

President's Commission on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (8077)

Rana Johnson, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, ex officio, CHAIR

AAvishek Bose, Graduate 1xbet online games login Council (AY 22-23)
Cheryl Grice, Division of Communications and Marketing Director of Strategic Relations(AY 23-24)
Brandon Haddock, LGBTQ* Faculty and Staff Alliance (AY 22-23)
VACANT, SAGA/LGBTQ Resource Center (AY 21-22)
Daniel Ireton, President's 1xbet online games login on Religious, Spiritual, and Nonreligious Diversity (AY 22-23)
VACANT, Pan-Asian Coalition (AY 21-22)
Justin Frederick, Office of Institutional Equity (AY 22-23)
Rebeca Paz, Alianza (AY 21-22)
Mary Tolar, Staley School of Leadership (AY23-24)

Manny Ugwuegbu, SGA Multicultural Director (AY 21-22)
Donald Von Bergen, Faculty Senate (AY 22-23)

Thomas Fish, USS Senate (AY 22-23)
Christopher Burrell, BSU (AY 22-23)
Leena Chakrabarti, President's Commission on the Status of Women (AY 22-23)
VACANT, Black Faculty and Staff Alliance (AY 21-22)
VACANT, Human Resources(AY 21-22)
VACANT, College of Education Diversity for Community 1xbet online games login (AY 21-22)

Beverley Earles, President’s Commission on Religious, Spiritual and Nonreligious Diversity (AY 22-23)
VACANT, Indigenous Faculty and Staff Alliance (AY 21-22)

Grant Chapman, Associate Provost, Office of International Programs (AY 22-23)
Ernie Minton, Dean, Agriculture & KSRE (AY 22-23)
Karen Pedersen, Dean, K-State Global Campus (AY 22-23)
Claudia Petrescu, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean, Graduate School (AY 22-23)
Kevin Santos Flores, Diversity and Multicultural 1xbet online games login Affairs (AY 22-23)
Corey Williamson, Division of Academic Success and 1xbet online games login Affairs (AY 22-23)

Ex officio:

Amy Betz, College of Engineering DPP
VACANT, Hale Library DPP
Kimathi Choma, College of Arts and Sciences DPP
Pedro Espinoza, College of Education DPP
Andre Bean, K-State Athletics DPP
Shawna Jordan, College of Health and Human Sciences DPP
Olivia Law-Derosso, College of Business Administration DPP
Debra Marseline, K-State Salina DPP
Marcellus Caldas, Graduate School
Caroline Rost, College of Veterinary Medicine DPP
Shabina Kavimandan, K-State Olathe DPP
Zelia Wiley, College of Agriculture DPP
Leslie Wren, College of Architecture, Planning & Design DPP

Mirta Chavez, Assistant Vice President for 1xbet online games login Belonging and Inclusion

Brandon Moreno, K-State Alumni Association Director for Diversity Programs

The responsibility of the 1xbet online games login will be to: a) establish/recommend goals and policy; b) provide leadership/coordination to all campus diversity efforts; c) coordinate the creation of the university's strategic plan for diversity and all updates to it; d) assist in creating and developing a "University Climate of Inclusiveness and Diversity;" e) ensure that Commission recommendations remain a high priority in the language and planning efforts of Kansas State University; f) issue a biannual report to the K-State community which includes information about progress towards University goals, e.g., funds expended, enrollment and retention data, achievement and graduation patterns, significant programs, and activities; and g) co-sponsor the annual Diversity Summit. Reports to the President.

K-State Campaign for Nonviolence (8078)

This 1xbet online games login is currently not meeting.

The purpose of the 1xbet online games login is: a) to plan, develop, and begin implementing a campus-wide anti-violence campaign; b) to continue to gather information about campus services, programs and classes dealing with violence issues through steps ranging from prevention/education to adjudication; c) to seek external funding (where possible) for extension of violence prevention and nonviolence education programs on campus; and d) to make recommendations for revisions of existing campus policy and suggest procedures/programs needed to address gaps in dealing with violence and abuse of power issues as they impact the K-State campus and community. Reports to the Vice President for Academic Success and Student Affairs.

Integrity in Research and Scholarly Activity 1xbet online games login (8080)

Matt Brueseke, Geology (AY 25-26)
Sabri Ciftci, Political Science (AY 25-26)
Virginia Naibo, Mathematics (AY 25-26)
Lydia Yang, Special Education (AY 25-26)

Lisa Melander, Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work (AY 24-25)
Bruce Schultz, Anatomy and Physiology (AY 24-25)
Jeanette Thurston, College of Agriculture (AY 24-25)
Nick Wallace, Biology (AY 24-25)

Melanie Derby, Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering (AY 23-24)
John Fliter, Political Science (AY 23-24)
Cassandra Jones, Animal Sciences & Industry (AY 23-24)
Michelle Toews, Applied Human Sciences (AY 23-24)

The members of the IRSAC 1xbet online games login serve as a pool from which panelists are selected to hear specific cases of alleged academic misconduct as described in Appendix O of the University Handbook. This 1xbet online games login fulfills responsibilities specified in federal regulations regarding scientific misconduct. Reports to the Provost through the Vice President of Research.

Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Time Commitment Management Plan Review 1xbet online games login (short, Conflict Management Plan Review 1xbet online games login , or CMPRC) (8090)

Beth Montelone, Associate Vice President for Research, ex-officio, Co-Chair
Brad Woods, Associate Vice President for Research Compliance, ex-officio, Co-Chair
Matt O’Keefe, Engineering, Dean Representative (AY 24-25)
Katie Kingery-Page, Architecture, Planning & Design, Associate Dean Representative (AY 24-25)
Melinda Markham, Applied Human Sciences, Department Head Representative (AY 25-26)
Mark Weiss, Anatomy & Physiology, Faculty Representative (AY 24-25)

The 1xbet online games login will review Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Time Commitment Disclosure forms that have potential conflicts of interest or time commitment issues. The 1xbet online games login will seek the advice of the university general counsel as appropriate. The 1xbet online games login will make recommendation to the Provost. The Provost will make the final decision.

Intellectual Property Advisory 1xbet online games login (8120)

Intellectual Property Advisory 1xbet online games lo

The Intellectual Property Advisory 1xbet online games login (IPAC) will be deemed advisory to the vice provost for research. IPAC will review the technical merit and also the market and commercial potential of inventions, discoveries, and creations developed within the Kansas State University community by employees and students. Reports to the Vice President of Research.

International Activities Advisory 1xbet online games login (8250)

This 1xbet online games login is not currently meeting.

Helps to enhance international activities on campus and makes recommendations to the Provost on ways to strengthen our international programs.

Appointment 1xbet online games login for Mediation (8260)

This 1xbet online games login is not currently meeting.

Screens and selects mediators. Reviews the list of mediators every three years to assure mediators continue to meet certifications or equivalents.

Out-of-State Fees Appeals 1xbet online games login (8270)

Kelley Brundage, Registrar, CHAIR, ex-officio

Kate Williamson, IGP Institute (AY 25-26)

Jan Waterhouse, K-State Libraries (AY 25-26)
Vacant (AY 24-25)

Vacant (AY 24-25)

Vacant (AY 26-27)

Vacant (AY 26-27)
Vacant (AY 24-25)

Hears appeals from individuals who have been denied in-state status for purposes of assessing tuition. Reports to the Provost and Executive Vice Presidentthrough the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management.

University Late Withdraw Appeals 1xbet online games login (8271)

Voting Members:

Kelley Brundage, Registrar, CHAIR; Alternate Chair: Susan Cooper
K-State Salina Campus: Terri Gaeddert
K-State Olathe Campus: Kimberly Voight
College of Health and Human Sciences: Shawna Jordan (AY 22-24)
College of Veterinary Medicine: James Roush (AY 22-24)
Staley School of Leadership: Trisha Gott (AY 22-24)
College of Agriculture: Jennifer Borman (AY 23-25)
College of Arts & Sciences: Melinda Cro (AY 23-25)
Faculty Member at large: Martha Smith-Caldas (AY 23-24)
Office of 1xbet online games login Financial Assistance: Carolyn Leeds
Division of Financial Services: Frank Tortella

Non-Voting Members/Ex-Officio Representatives:

Graduate School: Megan Miller
Academic Advising & 1xbet online games login Affairs: Pamela Erickson
Global Campus: Jo Maseberg-Thomlinson
1xbet online games login Support and Accountability: Janelle Rieger
1xbet online games login Access Center: Lindsay Kubina
Counseling Services: Kathleen Hatch
Office of Veteran Affairs: David Brooks
Office of Institutional Equity: Justin Frederick
Lafene Health Center: Abby King
International 1xbet online games login and Scholar Services: Stacey Bailey

Responds to and determines the outcome of appeals related to university level late withdraw/enrollment requirements. The ULWAC provides a university-wide forum for review of university level requirements including, but not limited to, late drops and/or withdrawals.The 1xbet online games login is chaired by the University Registrar or Designee and reports to the Provost and Executive Vice President through the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management.

Institutional Animal Care and Use 1xbet online games login (8280)

Institutional Animal Care and Use 1xbet online games lo

Formulates policies governing laboratory animal care, advises on animal housing requirements, inspects animal care practices, and reviews all protocols involving the use of animals at the university. 1xbet online games login also has responsibility for providing assurances to external agencies in compliance with federal regulations. Reports to the Vice President of Research.

Confidential/Sensitive Research 1xbet online games login (8285)

Formulates and implements university policies regarding activities proposed by K-State faculty and staff that involves information deemed to be of a nature that general access or distribution of such information would be restricted, inadvisable, illegal, or contraindicated (Section G51 Classified Research, University Handbook). This could include formally classified material, confidential information, business sensitive information, intellectual property, etc. The CSRC will meet at the call of the Chair to review applications to the 1xbet online games login . Reports to the Vice President of Research.This 1xbet online games login is currently not meeting.

Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research (8290)

Institutional Review Board Members

Formulates and implements university policies regarding the use of human subjects in any research project performed by either university employees or students. Responsibilities include reviewing all protocols involving use of human subjects, independent of whether such project is funded, either by an internal or an external sponsor. 1xbet online games login also serves as the Institutional Review Board established in compliance with federal regulations (ref: Federal Register 45, 46). Reports to the President through the Vice President of Research.

Board of Directors/1xbet online games login Publications, Inc. (8365)

Please contact theCollegian Media Group Directors & Officers of the Corporation

1xbet online games login Publications Inc. is a private business. The corporation's new d/b/a is Collegian Media Group; its corporate name remains 1xbet online games login Publications.

President's 1xbet online games login on Religious, Spiritual and Nonreligious Diversity(8500)

David Yetter, Faculty Representative, INTERIM CHAIR

Aliah Mestrovich Seay, Graduate 1xbet online games login Representative
Elena Aronson, Graduate 1xbet online games login Representative
VACANT, Graduate 1xbet online games login Representative
VACANT, Undergraduate 1xbet online games login Representative
VACANT, Undergraduate 1xbet online games login Representative
VACANT, Undergraduate 1xbet online games login Representative
Cliff Hight, Faculty Representative
Sarah Jackson, Faculty Representative
Manreet Bhullar, Faculty Representative
Raiya Ebini, Faculty Representative
Beverley Earles, Staff Representative
Brandon Haddock, Staff Representative
Janelle Rieger, Staff Representative
Stefan Yates, Staff Representative
Kevin Santos Flores, Staff Representative
Christian Watkins,Ecumenical Campus Ministry Advisor

Prakash Kumar, Olathe Representative
Debra Marseline, Salina Representative
Rohan Amare, Post Doctoral Staff Representative
Wurrie Njadoe, Post Graduate Intern, Athletics
Courtney Hochman Keith, Alumna and Community Representative

To help everyone on campus – from all religious, spiritual, and nonreligious perspectives – to see themselves as valuable members of the K-State family. The 1xbet online games login is comprised of campus-affiliated individuals representing various religious, spiritual, and nonreligious perspectives. Reports to the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.

Big 12 Faculty Fellowship 1xbet online games login (8504)

Joe Mocnik, Dean Representative

Laurel Littrell, Faculty, Faculty Senate Representative (AY 23-24)
Bradford Wiles, Faculty, Faculty Senate Representative (AY 23-24)

Nathan Albin, Faculty, Faculty Senate Representative (AY 24-25)
Kathleen Antonioli, Faculty, Faculty Senate Representative (AY 24-25)
Cody Domenghini, Faculty, Faculty Senate Representative (AY 24-25)
Kimball Smith, Faculty, Faculty Senate Representative (AY 24-25)

Review application materials and select recipients of Big 12 Faculty Fellowship Awards. Reports to the Provost and Executive Vice President.

Dorothy L. Thompson Civil Rights Lecture Series (8505)

This 1xbet online games login is currently not meeting.

Supervises the lecture series.

Kansas State University Appeals Board (for University Support Staff, USS) (8610)

John Wolf, Animal Science & Industry (AY 22-23)
Charlotte Bruna, Computer Science (AY 22-23)
Thomas Fish, Housing & Dining (AY 22-23)
Camilla Roberts, AP Institutional Effectiveness (AY 22-23)
Jia Liang, Educational Leadership (AY 22-23)

Jennifer Miller, Kinesiology (AY 23-24)
Rachel Levitt, Social Transformation (AY 23-24)
Shannon Rudder, Facilities Storeroom (AY 23-24)
Stephanie Brecheisen, Facilities Custodial Services (AY 23-24)
Kimm Dennis, Salina Finance (AY 23-24)

Brandon Haddock, Diversity and Multicultural 1xbet online games login Affairs (AY 24-25)
Kari Morgan, Applied Human Sciences (AY 24-25)
Hanna Manning, Communications & Marketing (AY 24-25)
Julie Duncan, Provost Enrollment Management (AY 24-25)
James Smith, KSU Libraries (AY 24-25)

Hears USS appeals of suspension without pay, demotion, or dismissal. Reports to the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO).