2010-2011 1xbet online casino Lecture Series

Kimberly Williams

K-State's Vision 2025 and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Sympatico or Discordant?

Friday, April 29, 2011
1:30-3:00 p.m.
Big 12 Room
K-State Union

Kim Williams

Biographical Sketch

Kim Williams is Professor of Horticulture and the 2010-2011 Coffman Chair for University Distinguished Scholars. She is a practitioner of 1xbet online casino in courses that she teaches, including an introductory pre-internship course, lab-intensive greenhouse management and floral crops production courses, and a graduate-level, inter-institutional distance course on the topic of plant nutrient management. Williams has received many awards for her teaching, advising, and 1xbet online casino , including a USDA Food and Agriculture Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award in 2009.


In recent years, faculty involvement in the scholarship of teaching and learning (1xbet online casino ) has increased and become more visible. But are these faculty efforts valued by peers and administrators? Does 1xbet online casino have a place in K-State's quest to achieve Top 50 Public Research University status by 2025? This presentation will focus on what 1xbet online casino is and is not, how it can be accomplished, and whether or not it fits into K-State's institutional culture.