2009-2010 Provost lecture 1xbet online sports betting Series

Mark Milliron

A New Generation of 1xbet online sports betting : Diverse Students, Emerging Technologies, and a Sustainability Challenge

Friday, September 25, 2009
Banquet Rooms A & D
Alumni Center

1xbet online sports betting Milliron

Biographical Sketch

Dr. 1xbet online sports betting David Milliron is an award-winning leader, author, speaker, and consultant best known for exploring leadership development, future trends, learning strategies, and the human side of technology change. 1xbet online sports betting works with universities, community colleges, K-12 schools, corporations, associations, and government agencies across the country and around the world. He serves as Board Chair for the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education and as a Trustee for Western Governors University and Spruce Pine Montessori School. He is also the founder and CEO of the private consulting and service group, Catalyze Learning International (CLI). In addition, he serves on numerous corporate, nonprofit, and education boards and advisory groups; guest lectures for educational institutions nationally and internationally; and authors and moderates the Catalytic Conversations Blog.

1xbet online sports betting brings to this work broad experience, having previously served as an Endowed Fellow, Senior Lecturer, and Director of the National Institute of Staff and Organizational Development in the College of Education at The University of Texas at Austin; Vice President for Education and Medical Practice with SAS, the world's largest private software company; President and CEO of the international education association the League for Innovation; and as Vice President for Academic and Student Services at Mayland Community College (NC).

While teaching at Arizona State, 1xbet online sports betting received the International Communication Association's Teaching Excellence Award. More recently, the University of Texas at Austin's College of Education honored 1xbet online sports betting as a Distinguished Graduate for his service to the education field. In 2005, PBS named 1xbet online sports betting the recipient of its annual O'Banion Prize for transformational work in support of teaching and learning. And in 2007, the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) presented 1xbet online sports betting with its National Leadership Award for his outstanding accomplishments, contributions, and leadership.

Regardless of all of these activities and accomplishments, 1xbet online sports betting will quickly tell you that the most important job and the greatest blessing in his life is serving as Julia's husband, and as father to Alexandra, Richard, Marcus, and Max


The mix of millennials, gen-x'ers, and baby boomers teaching and 1xbet online sports betting together make the provision of modern education a complex process. In addition, blended 1xbet online sports betting , mobile devices, gaming, social networking, high-impact presentation technologies, and analytics are bringing new twists and quick turns to our on-ground and online 1xbet online sports betting environments. What else is ahead? How much more can we take? How do we retain the human touch? How do we make these 1xbet online sports betting environments sustainable? Come join the conversation about how this new generation of 1xbet online sports betting is taking shape.