2005-2006 provost 1xbet online casino Lecture Series

Michael BolandK-State Excellence in University 1xbet online casino Certificate Program
Thursday, April 6, 2006
3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Fiedler Auditorium

Michael Boland
Professor of Agricultural Economics
Kansas State 1xbet online casino

Biographical Sketch

Michael Boland is a professor of agricultural economics and associate director of the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center at Kansas State University. He has 1xbet online casino , research, and outreach responsibilities in strategy and agribusiness management. The majority of his work involves food and agribusiness firms especially cooperatives. He has received numerous national, university, and college 1xbet online casino awards including the K-State Presidential Award for Excellence in Undergraduate 1xbet online casino . Mike served as co-chair of the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Food and Agribusiness Management Education Commission in 2003 to 2005. The Commission studied more than 150 agribusiness programs in the United States and recommendations will be presented to USDA this summer at a national conference. He is the oldest of 12 children and was reared in Minnesota.


Many universities offer a program for graduate students who are interested in college 1xbet online casino as a career. These programs can be categorized into three groups. The first group includes formal certificate programs where graduate students take several courses in college 1xbet online casino and receive a certificate. The second group is based around the Preparing Future Faculty programs which are a series of workshops and seminars that graduate students participate in on a volunteer basis. The third group includes a course taught on college 1xbet online casino that graduate students can enroll in but, in general, is not considered part of their overall plan of study. Information from a survey of these three groups is presented and a recommendation for implementation of a K-State Excellence in University 1xbet online casino Certificate Program is discussed.

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