2004-2005 Provost Lecture 1xbet best casino website

Complex 1xbet best casino website and Geographical Complexity
Thursday, April 14, 2005
3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Hemisphere Room
5th Floor, Hale Library

1xbet best casino website . Keith C. Clarke
1xbet best casino website and Chair
Department of 1xbet best casino website and
Director, Santa Barbara, NCGIA
1xbet best casino website , Santa Barbara

Biographical Sketch

1xbet best casino website . KEITH C. CLARKE is a research cartographer and professor. He holds the B.A. degree with honours from Middlesex Polytechnic, London, England, and the M.A. and Ph. D. from the University of Michigan, specializing in Analytical Cartography. He joined the faculty at the 1xbet best casino website , Santa Barbara in 1996. 1xbet best casino website . Clarke's most recent research has been on environmental simulation modeling, on 1xbet best casino website urban growth using cellular automata , on terrain 1xbet best casino website and analysis, and on the history of the CORONA remote 1xbet best casino website program. 1xbet best casino website . Clarke is the former North American Editor of the International Journal of 1xbet best casino website Information Systems , and is 1xbet best casino website editor for the Prentice Hall 1xbet best casino website in Geographic Information Science. He is the author of the textbooks, Analytical and Computer 1xbet best casino website (Prentice 1xbet best casino website , 1995), Getting Started with GIS (1997) and about eighty book chapters, journal articles, and papers in the fields of cartography, remote sensing, and geographic information systems. Appointed to the National Academy of Sciences Mapping Sciences Committee in 2004, 1xbet best casino website . Clarke has also chaired two National Research Council Ad Hoc Committees, and recently served on the USGS's Long Term Science planning team.


Geographers have, in the past, taken on rather simple problems or approached complex problem using simple (reductionist) approaches. Yet the scope of Geographical problems, from land use change forecasting, to understanding global change, to selecting sites for the safe disposal of radioactive waste, is immense. If geographical problems are so complex that they are not amenable to reductionist methods, then what tools are available to the Geographer? In this talk, I will review new methods and techniques that have only become feasible as problem solving tools in the era or highly distributed, ubiquitous/mobile and high performance computing. What are the problems most likely to yield to solutions, and which will remain as future challenges? What benefits do the much celebrated approach of complex systems theory hold for building approaches within 1xbet best casino website ? Finally, with a brave new generation of geospatial tools, and a changed geopolitical context in which 1xbet best casino website now sits, what will be the grand challenges for the 1xbet best casino website of the future?