2003-2004 Provost lecture 1xbet best casino website Series

The Imperative for 1xbet best casino website : Implications for Practice
Friday, April 23, 2004
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Hemisphere Room
5th Floor, Hale Library

Dr. Daryl Smith
Professor of Education and Psychology
Claremont Graduate University

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Smith is Professor of Education and Psychology at the Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California. Formerly, she was Vice President for Planning and Research at Scripps College. Her research interests include 1xbet best casino website in higher education, college governance issues, women in academe, institutional research, student affairs, and classroom teaching. She is currently a board member for the American Association of Higher Education and has served as chair of the editorial board for the Journal of Higher Education and as a board member for the Association for the Study of Higher Education. A few of her relevant publications for this presentation include “Studying 1xbet best casino website in Higher Education,” “Achieving Faculty 1xbet best casino website : Debunking the Myths,” “1xbet best casino website Works: the Emerging Picture of How Students Benefit,” “ A 1xbet best casino website Research Agenda,” and “Assessing 1xbet best casino website on College and University Campuses."


Dr. Smith, a nationally-recognized authority on issues of 1xbet best casino website in higher education, will speak about why embracing 1xbet best casino website on college and university campuses is so important in today’s world. She will share results from her recent research on this topic as part of a broader discussion of best practices for those institutions seeking greater 1xbet best casino website among their students, faculty, and staff. Her unique and insightful perspective will allow us the opportunity to consider how we at Kansas State University might better accomplish this important goal here on our own campus.