Distinguished Faculty Scholars and fellows 1xbet online sports betting

The title of 1xbet online sports betting Distinguished Professor is a lifetime title that represents the highest honor Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting can bestow on its faculty.
Tenured faculty members who have held rank for no more than five years on an accelerated path for academic distinction may be recognized as a 1xbet online sports betting Outstanding Scholar.
The Coffman Chair for 1xbet online sports betting Distinguished Teaching Scholars was created in 1995 to underscore Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting 's commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching and learning.
Endowed positions recognize faculty distinction and accomplishments, providing support for their ongoing achievements and contributions.

1xbet online sports betting Faculty Fellows include faculty who have been appointed as fellows of professional organizations and societies or honored with fellowships from other external agencies or groups.

The Chief Academic Officers of the Big 12 universities created the Big 12 Faculty Fellowship program for the purpose of stimulating scholarly activities in the areas of teaching, research and service.