University 1xbet online casino Scholars Chair
Summary of Activities

Dr. Stephen Thien
Chair, 2000-2001

Scholarship under girds both 1xbet online casino and learning. In brief, a 1xbet online casino scholar is someone who will: Learn to learn, learn to teach, and teach to learn. It seems basic that teachers must understand, practice, and transfer these fundamental scholarly activities. To that end, during my tenure as University Distinguished 1xbet online casino Scholar Chair, I sought to define those traits that describe a 1xbet online casino scholar to recognize those that are and provide a guideline for those that want to be. Describing such traits might also provide useful as criteria for selection or evaluation processes involving 1xbet online casino .

Interested persons may find results of this search in three formats:

  1. "Traits of a 1xbet online casino Scholar" presentation in the Provost's Lecture Series, April 5, 2001. (Video available from the Provost's Office).
  2. "Traits of a 1xbet online casino Scholar" website (
  3. Traits of a 1xbet online casino Scholar journal article (currently in review).

The 1xbet online casino Scholar
1xbet online casino scholars apply scholarly traits to 1xbet online casino that lead to learning. They exhibit a passion for 1xbet online casino and a steadfast quest for mastery of 1xbet online casino -learning processes. Scholarship provides the basis of the 1xbet online casino profession, it's how knowledge progresses. 1xbet online casino scholars enable the process of academic cloning, where one learner becomes many learners. 1xbet online casino scholars seek proficiency of a trinity, three 1xbet online casino /learning processes linked as one: learning to learn, learning to teach, and 1xbet online casino to learn. A crowning achievement for a 1xbet online casino scholar is to learn how to transfer a love of learning.

1xbet online casino produces learning. 1xbet online casino intentionally transforms information into intellectual development of the learner. 1xbet online casino scholars seek development of the learner by presenting relevant content in a workable format to build critical thinking skills. 1xbet online casino scholars know that it hasn't been taught until it's been learned.

A scholar is a learned person. Scholar's exhibit a zest for things of the mind, thought, speculation, curiosity, learning and creativity. They practice discovery (what nobody knows) and insight (what you didn't know). A scholar builds, not fills, minds. A scholar awakens intellectual curiosity. 1xbet online casino scholars create lessons that stimulate learning. A scholar is a self-teacher and a self-learner in whom scholar and scholarship are inseparable. Scholars teach others to become scholars.

1xbet online casino Scholar Trinity: I. Learning to Learn.
Learning to learn is life's most important skill. 1xbet online casino others to learn is a teacher's most important gift. 1xbet online casino scholars learn how people learn because the process of learning is fundamental to 1xbet online casino and the advancement of knowledge. Learning to learn guides a 1xbet online casino scholar in mastering both content and practice. 1xbet online casino scholars know what it means to learn, apply it purposefully, and promote its intellectual development in their students.

A list of guidelines on learning to learn traits can be seen at the website identified above.

1xbet online casino Scholar Trinity: II. Learning to Teach.
1xbet online casino scholars learn about 1xbet online casino . Knowing how to teach is essential to their goal of producing self-directed, lifelong learners. 1xbet online casino scholars have the capacity to learn how to move students into the mode of becoming a self-motivating learner.

1xbet online casino scholars intentionally pursue development of the learner's intellect. A 1xbet online casino scholar understands that format determines the teacher-learner interface and has important consequences on learning.

1xbet online casino scholars don't evolve from, or into, a standard, easily recognizable mold. The varieties of paths taken by 1xbet online casino scholars in their quest to learn how to teach have yielded a multitude of outcomes. Students appreciate that learning can be packaged into many different formats. How boring it would be if learning were confined to a uniform context.

1xbet online casino Scholar Trinity: III. 1xbet online casino to Learn.
1xbet online casino scholars use instruction to produce learning. They teach in ways that exercise the mind, not fill it with the accumulation of others. They understand that learning isn't a happen-stance occurrence, but results from the intentional application of steps based on learning theory. Using their content and their style, 1xbet online casino scholars use learning-oriented techniques and take responsibility to produce learning. This responsibility involves setting learning goals, creating a learning environment to achieve these goals, assessing outcomes to verify learning, and modifying activities as necessary to promote success.

1xbet online casino scholars adhere to the guide that "it hasn't been taught until it's been learned."

1xbet online casino scholars learn to learn, learn to teach and teach to learn. They master these traits to teach how to think rather than what to think. They seek to educate in ways that allow independent thinking and learning. In do so, 1xbet online casino scholars teach toward the creation of other scholars. They have taught well enough when their students know how to learn.