Coffman Chair for University Distinguished 1xbet online sports betting Scholars

The Coffman Chair for University Distinguished 1xbet online sports betting Scholars was created in 1995 to underscore Kansas State University's commitment to excellence in undergraduate 1xbet online sports betting and learning. A faculty member acknowledged as a leading 1xbet online sports betting scholar is appointed to the chair for one academic year. All who are selected to hold the chair retain the title of University Distinguished 1xbet online sports betting Scholar throughout their careers.

During the year in residence, the scholar will conduct the affairs of the chair with substantial personal discretion. The scholar's time and resources will be spent to advance the interests of undergraduate 1xbet online sports betting and learning at Kansas State.

During the year following residence in the chair, the scholar submits a summary report of his/her experience and the benefits that have accrued to undergraduate 1xbet online sports betting and learning as a result of these activities. These reports are available on the provost's website.

The links below contain information about current and past scholars as well as the guidelines for the nomination and selection of the Coffman Chair for University Distinguished 1xbet online sports betting Scholars. Questions about the nomination process should be directed to the Office of the Provost at 532-6224.

Coffman Chair for Uni

Coffman Chair for University Distinguishe