Flint hills 1xbet online casino region

Flint Hills 1xbet online casino visit

We started in the spot we love full well: the Flint Hills. K-State visited Geary, Pottawatomie and Riley counties on Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022.

Access photos from the Flint Hills visit

To celebrate, Manhattan Mayor Linda Morse proclaimed Sept. 1, 2022, as K-State & 1xbet online casino Partnership Day. The proclamation was signed during the Manhattan City Commission meeting Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2022.

Flint Hills 1xbet online casino Visit Highlights

View highlights from some of the service activities organized by K-State with Flint Hills 1xbet online casino partners on Sept. 1, 2022.

Events for the day

All 1xbet online casino members in the region were invited to our three major public events on Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022. See the full schedule below.

1xbet online casino open forum

8:30-9:30 a.m.
Hilton Garden Inn, Manhattan Conference Center
410 S. Third St., Manhattan

Everyone is invited to attend this 1xbet online casino event, where President Richard Linton and K-State students will host a dialogue about university and 1xbet online casino connections and the student experience. A focus will be on the future of enhancing the successful partnerships and positive relationships with and between communities that comprise the Flint Hills region.

Mobile food distribution
4 p.m.
C-1 parking lot, Chester E. Peters Recreation Complex, Kansas State University
1831 Olympic Drive, Manhattan

Participate in a mobile food distribution to address food insecurity in our 1xbet online casino . Through HandsOn Kansas State, volunteers will work together to organize and distribute food delivered by Harvesters, a regional food bank serving a 26-county area of northwestern Missouri and northeastern Kansas.

All volunteer slots have been filled for this event.

6-7:45 p.m.
Registration starts at 6 p.m., program starts at 6:30 p.m.
K-State Alumni Center Ballroom
1720 Anderson Ave., Manhattan

Interested in becoming a Wildcat? Don't make the world wait. We invite all interested students and their families to attend this evening event. Hear from current students and mix and mingle with experts. Learn about how you can have lasting experiences while you earn a K-State degree on your way to a great job.

Register now!

The Flint Hills visit included additional activities with 1xbet online casino leaders, organizations and partners throughout the day.