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Barton 1xbet best casino website , Ellis 1xbet best casino website , Norton 1xbet best casino website , Phillips 1xbet best casino website and Smith 1xbet best casino website community visits

K-State spent Nov. 7-9, 2023, visiting several 1xbet best casino website regions: Barton 1xbet best casino website , Ellis 1xbet best casino website , Norton 1xbet best casino website , Phillips 1xbet best casino website and Smith 1xbet best casino website . The visits included several days of activities to engage with, listen to and learn from Kansans in the communities surrounding Great Bend, Hays, Norton, Phillipsburg and Smith Center. Regional community visits 1xbet online sports betting.

Access photos from the Barton 1xbet best casino website , Ellis 1xbet best casino website , Norton 1xbet best casino website , Phillips 1xbet best casino website and Smith 1xbet best casino website visit.

Highlighted events

All community members in the region were invited to three major events. See a full schedule of other events below.

5:30-7 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023
Great Bend Events Center
3111 10th St., Great Bend

Everyone is invited to attend this community event, where K-State leaders and students will host a dialogue about university and community connections and the student experience. A focus will be on the future of enhancing the successful partnerships and positive relationships with and between communities in the regions surrounding Great Bend and Hays.

5:30-7 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023
Bullseye Event Center
118 S. Kansas Ave., Norton

Everyone is invited to attend this community event, where K-State leaders and students will host a dialogue about university and community connections and the student experience. A focus will be on the future of enhancing the successful partnerships and positive relationships with and between communities in the regions surrounding Norton, Phillipsburg and Smith Center.
6-7:15 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023
Registration starts at 5:45 p.m.; program starts at 6 p.m.
The Strand
1102 Main St., Hays

Interested in becoming a Wildcat? We invite all interested students and their families to attend this evening event. Hear from current K-State students and learn about their experiences and how you can begin your Wildcat journey. The event will cover student life, admissions, financial aid and scholarship opportunities and more.

Full list of events

The multiday visit included additional activities with community leaders, organizations and partners in Barton 1xbet best casino website , Ellis 1xbet best casino website , Norton 1xbet best casino website , Phillips 1xbet best casino website and Smith 1xbet best casino website . There were community conversations, events to highlight university partnerships and K-State Research and Extension relationships, and recruitment activities.

Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023

Community open forum — Barton 1xbet best casino website and Ellis 1xbet best casino website regions
5:30-7 p.m.
Great Bend Events Center
3111 10th St., Great Bend

Everyone is invited to attend this community event, where K-State leaders and students will host a dialogue about university and community connections and the student experience. A focus will be on the future of enhancing the successful partnerships and positive relationships with and between communities in the regions surrounding Great Bend and Hays.

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Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023

Safe water management for the health of all
9-10 a.m.
Kansas Wetlands Education Center
592 NE K 156 Hwy, Great Bend

Water plays a significant role in human life, from our health to the economy. Join a conversation with local Barton 1xbet best casino website entities and K-State to learn of current projects and resources to spread awareness of good water practices for locals, the region and generations to come.

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Child care partnerships across all industries
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Thirsty's Brew Pub and Grill, the Venue
2704 Vine St., Hays

Affordable and quality child care plays a significant role in shaping our communities. Join a conversation with leaders in the Child Care Task Force of Ellis 1xbet best casino website , Nex-Tech, the Innovation Center and other organizations as they discuss collaborative child care efforts and the significance of industry partnerships to continue making countywide progress.

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Community open forum — Norton 1xbet best casino website , Phillips 1xbet best casino website and Smith 1xbet best casino website regions
5:30-7 p.m.
Bullseye Event Center
118 S. Kansas Ave., Norton

Everyone is invited to attend this community event, where K-State leaders and students will host a dialogue about university and community connections and the student experience. A focus will be on the future of enhancing the successful partnerships and positive relationships with and between communities in the regions surrounding Norton, Phillipsburg and Smith Center.

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Calling all 'Cats
6-7:15 p.m.
Registration starts at 5:45 p.m.; program starts at 6 p.m.
The Strand
1102 Main St., Hays

Interested in becoming a Wildcat? We invite all interested students and their families to attend this evening event. Hear from current K-State students and learn about their experiences and how you can begin your Wildcat journey. The event will cover student life, admissions, financial aid and scholarship opportunities and more.

Register to attend

Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023

K-State 105: Advancing Kansas communities and businesses
9-10:15 a.m.
Heaton Building, The Gallery
112 S. Kansas, Suite 203, Norton

Take part in a facilitated conversation about the newly launched K-State 105 initiative, which is a business and community advancement initiative that works with partners across the state. Learn more and participate in the discussion with the Innovation Center and local business and community leaders. Together, we will brainstorm ways K-State or other key partners can help leverage resources to better serve the region. 

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Cultivating production agriculture partnerships for all
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Huck Boyd Community Center
860 Park St., Phillipsburg

Production agriculture plays a significant role in our communities and the entire state of Kansas. Join a conversation with Amber Wave, K-State and other organizations as they discuss ways to improve agriculture in Kansas.

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How support for child care can lead to community growth
2-3 p.m.
Srader Building
119 W. Court St. A, Smith Center

Quality, affordable child care is part of a critical, yet challenging, economic infrastructure for many Kansas communities. Join K-State and child care advocates from Smith 1xbet best casino website and the surrounding region for a conversation on how organizations are working to address child care needs in their communities.

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Images at the top of the page provided by the Great Bend Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Hays Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Norton Area Chamber of Commerce, the Phillips 1xbet best casino website Convention and Visitors Bureau/Phillipsburg Chamber of Commerce and the Smith Center Chamber of Commerce.