Allen County region 1xbet online casino

Allen County 1xbet online casino visit

K-State visited the Allen County region on Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023, and Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023. The visit included two days of activities to engage with, listen to and learn from Kansans in the communities surrounding Humboldt and Iola. Regional community visits 1xbet online sports betting.

Access photos from the Allen County visit.

1xbet online casino open forum

All 1xbet online casino members in the region were invited to the keystone event: a 1xbet online casino open forum on Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023. See a full schedule of other events below.

1xbet online casino open forum

5:30-7 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023
B&W Trailer Hitches, The Hub
1216 Hawaii Road, Humboldt

Everyone is invited to attend this 1xbet online casino event, where K-State leaders and students will host a dialogue about university and 1xbet online casino connections and the student experience. A focus will be on the future of enhancing the successful partnerships and positive relationships with and between communities in the Allen County region.

Full list of events

The Allen County visit included additional activities with 1xbet online casino leaders, organizations and partners. There were 1xbet online casino conversations, events to highlight university partnerships and K-State Research and Extension relationships, and recruitment activities.

Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023

1xbet online casino open forum
5:30-7 p.m.
B&W Trailer Hitches, The Hub
1216 Hawaii Road, Humboldt

Everyone is invited to attend this 1xbet online casino event, where K-State leaders and students will host a dialogue about university and 1xbet online casino connections and the student experience. A focus will be on the future of enhancing the successful partnerships and positive relationships with and between communities in the Allen County region.

Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023

How 1xbet online casino development propels Kansas businesses and communities forward
9-10:30 a.m.
Revival Music Hall
102 S. 10th St., Humboldt

Join a facilitated conversation with Humboldt and K-State 1xbet online casino leaders who share a common goal of revitalizing Kansas communities. Hear from collaborators with A Bolder Humboldt and from the K-State 105 director and learn how they are proactively working toward creating sustainable and thriving places in Kansas to learn, work and live.

Enhancing student engagement in higher education
11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Learn how engagement and applied learning experiences inspire students to practice and acquire skills needed to succeed in their fields. Join K-State and Allen 1xbet online casino College for a conversation centered around partnership and engaged student learning. The group will discuss how higher education institutions cultivate an environment that fosters learning and growth.

Housing: Collective efforts for a complex problem
1:30-3 p.m.
K-State Research and Extension — Southwind District, Iola office
1006 N. State St., Iola

Participate in a conversation with SEK Inc., Thrive Allen County and other partners as they discuss regional collaborative efforts to address affordable housing. Learn from local partners and 1xbet online casino stakeholders about efforts to better support communities.

Images at the top of the page provided by Chris Bauer, the Humboldt Chamber of Commerce and the Iola Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism.