Mackenzie Waggoner

Mackenzie Waggoner

Year in school: Senior

Major: Agricultural communications and journalism, secondary majors in natural resources and environmental sciences

Hometown: Topeka, Kansas

What is your earliest 1xbet online games login memory?

My earliest 1xbet online games login memory was when my aunt was still in college here herself. I was in elementary school, and she invited me to come and stay with her in Manhattan for the weekend. Although we did not explore campus, I remember the atmosphere of Manhattan. That was the first time I went to Manhattan hill, ate some pizza shuttle pizza, and had my first glimpse of what it was like to be a K-Stater. As a student now, I value that experience. Back then, I had no idea how impactful that weekend was. Now I fully understand that the weekend I spent with my aunt was one of the reasons I decided to become a 1xbet online games login student.

Why did you choose 1xbet online games login ?

I chose 1xbet online games login because of the people. I remember when I came here for my first official tour, I absolutely loved the whole experience. It was not until lunch that I decided I was going to attend 1xbet online games login . I remember having the opportunity to eat at the Kramer dining center and after my meal, I of course had to get some Call Hall ice cream. While I was standing in line, a student approached me that I had never met before. She asked about my experiences on campus so far and spoke upon some of hers. Through all my college visits, I had never had a student approach me and that stuck out to me. I knew at that moment; Students wanted me to succeed and find a place that felt like home.

How are you involved at 1xbet online games login ?

I am involved here at 1xbet online games login through various activities. I am a member of Kansas State Student Alumni Board and Kappa Alpha Theta.

What has been your favorite 1xbet online games login experience?

My favorite 1xbet online games login experience had been being able to share my experience with my parents. Neither of my parents attended university after high school. They have been able to experience 1xbet online games login game days, trying unfamiliar places to eat, and getting to explore Manhattan just like I have. Every time they come up to visit, they want to explore more and find new experiences here. I think the best part is my dad's wardrobe is progressively adding 1xbet online games login gear, so he doesn't look out of place when he comes up for a visit.

How does 1xbet online games login care for Kansans in your hometown community?

1xbet online games login cares for my community in the sense of creating an atmosphere prospective students will be able to succeed. In Topeka, the socioeconomic status of families is remarkably diverse. 1xbet online games login has an abundance of resources for all students. I believe that is what makes 1xbet online games login , 1xbet online games login . The university wants to equip students with the resources needed for students to succeed and that is exactly what they bring to my community.

Why do you want to bring 1xbet online games login to your community?

I want to bring 1xbet online games login to my community because 1xbet online games login has become my home away from home. When I was going through my college search process, this was especially important to me. More than likely, college is the first-time students are away from their home and their family. It can be intimidating, new, and unknown. Finding a community that makes students feel comfortable, welcomed, and included is what I found here at 1xbet online games login . I want my community to understand that there are so many opportunities here at 1xbet online games login , and students that are here want others around them to succeed. 1xbet online games login has become my home away from home in so many ways and I hope that other potential students will be able to do the same.