jaye 1xbet sports betting Hrencher

Jaye Hrencher

Year in school: Senior

Major: Marketing, minors in graphic design and leadership studies

Hometown: Hiawatha, Kansas

What is your earliest 1xbet sports betting memory?

My earliest 1xbet sports betting memory was getting a 1xbet sports betting cheerleading costume for Christmas. I proceeded to wear it every day and every game day for the entire football season.

Why did you choose 1xbet sports betting ?

I chose 1xbet sports betting because I always felt like it was my home away from home. Every game day when we would drive to Manhattan, I would get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about the day when I would eventually get to call Kansas State University my home. I am so honored that I get to share this school with my parents, my brothers and sisters-in-law.

How are you involved at 1xbet sports betting ?

I am currently involved in Student Alumni Board, 1xbet sports betting Proud, the Student Homecoming Committee, Alpha Kappa Psi and Pi Beta Phi.

What has been your favorite 1xbet sports betting experience?

My favorite K-State experience has been driving down to Dallas last year for the first game of the season, getting to be front row of the student section, and then turning around to see a huge portion of the student body right behind me!

How does 1xbet sports betting care for Kansans in your hometown community?

Kansas State University is constantly giving back to the communities in Kansas — whether it is scholarship opportunities for prospective students or the job opportunities for alumni through networking.

Why do you want to bring 1xbet sports betting to your community?

I want to bring Kansas State University to my community because I truly believe it is one of the best things to ever happen to me. I came to 1xbet sports betting as a girl who never really got out of her box. Now, I am in my senior year and great people, opportunities and experiences have come my way because of Kansas State University. Going back to my community to give that same chance to someone like me would be so rewarding.