dakota 1xbet online games login Cherney

Joshua Diazdeleon

Year in school: Senior

Major: Journalism and mass communications, minor in leadership studies

Hometown: Chester, Nebraska

What is your earliest 1xbet online games login memory?

Growing up, 1xbet online games login dad, brother and I would always watch 1xbet online games login football games on TV, and I fell in love with the university and the 1xbet online games login family. I didn’t actually come to Manhattan until 1xbet online games login first campus visit in 2018.

Why did you choose 1xbet online games login ?

Thinking back to my senior year of high school, I remember how excited, yet nervous, I was when it came to picking the university at which I was going to spend the next four years of my education. Throughout my senior year I visited a few colleges across the Midwest, but nothing really stuck out to me as a place I wanted to go to school. 1xbet online games login was always a dream school of mine, but I just wasn't sure if I was going to ever make that dream come true. After applying and receiving some additional scholarships from the university I decided I would come to Manhattan for a campus visit and I am so thankful that I did.

Whenever I would hear of Kansas State University, I always would hear of this one word: family. I always thought that it was easy for any college to call themselves a family and I really didn't buy into it until the day I arrived on campus for 1xbet online games login visit. 1xbet online games login family and I were immediately welcomed with friendly, smiling faces, which made us super excited for our day.

On 1xbet online games login campus tour, I had five random students stop us and welcome us to campus and I knew that the Office of Recruitment and Admissions could not pay that many students to be randomly planted along the tour route — ha! After that day, I didn't need to visit any other universities because I had found the one that I was looking for — a community of people to call 1xbet online games login family and a place that would always feel like home — and I haven't regretted 1xbet online games login decision since.

How are you involved at 1xbet online games login ?

I am a lead student ambassador for the Office of Recruitment and Admissions. I am also a two-time LEAD 212 class leader. I was a resident assistant in Marlatt Hall from 2020-2021. I serve as the public relations director for the student body president and vice president’s cabinet. I am on the public relations team at the Staley School of Leadership as the student videographer. I am involved with the 1xbet online games login Student Section club hosted by 1xbet online games login Athletics. I am also a teaching assistant for Dr. Mike Wesch’s introduction to anthropology class this semester.

What has been your favorite 1xbet online games login experience?

My absolute favorite 1xbet online games login experience is doing the Wabash Cannonball in Bill Snyder Family Stadium on game day. There is nothing better than being in the student section with hundreds of other 1xbet online games login students, all doing the Wabash at the same time. I still get goosebumps each time the song is played. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, let's go state!"