colleen 1xbet best casino website Fulton

Colleen Fulton

Year in school: Junior

Major: Psychology and sociology, secondary major in global food systems leadershp

Hometown: Loup City, Nebraska

What is your earliest 1xbet best casino website memory?

My earliest 1xbet best casino website memory goes back to my first 1xbet best casino website football game when I was about 7 years old. I can remember wearing pink rain boots with horses on them and one of the cheerleaders complimenting them. However, the most memorable part of the game occurred when Willie the Wildcat made his way toward me, signed a 1xbet best casino website T-shirt and handed it to me. I still have the signed T-shirt to this day and that memory will stick with me forever.

Why did you choose 1xbet best casino website ?

I chose 1xbet best casino website for a multitude of reasons, but one of the most significant aspects of 1xbet best casino website that stood out to me was the sense of community I felt when I first visited. Being from a small town in rural Nebraska, I was looking for a college that valued camaraderie and a sense of togetherness among its students. I immediately recognized that 1xbet best casino website was a special place where students thrived. After hearing stories from my father and grandfather about their experiences at 1xbet best casino website , I was convinced that there was no other university that I could envision myself attending.

How are you involved at 1xbet best casino website ?

Throughout my time at 1xbet best casino website , I've been able to get involved on campus through my sorority, 1xbet best casino website Student Foundation, Student Alumni Board, Psi Chi psychology honor society, Don Saucier's social psychology research lab and my role as a student coordinator for the global food systems leadership secondary major program.

What has been your favorite 1xbet best casino website experience?

Having the opportunity to be a member of the 1xbet best casino website Alumni Association Student Alumni Board has been one of the greatest student life experiences I have had at 1xbet best casino website thus far. I feel so grateful that I have been able to gain amazing friendships as well as make some of my favorite 1xbet best casino website memories throughout my involvement in this organization. One of my favorite Student Alumni Board memories is getting to help with Junior Wildcats Fantasy Day, which is an event for children to experience what it is like to be an athlete at 1xbet best casino website . Two other Student Alumni Board members and I were able to tour the athletic facilities with some of the football players and even got a photo with Deuce Vaughn and Felix Anudike-Uzomah.