colben 1xbet best casino website Dodson

Colben DodsonYear in school and major: Second-year veterinary medicine student

Hometown: Liberty, Kansas

What is your earliest 1xbet best casino website memory?

I remember going up to Manhattan throughout high school for various activities. It was always a fun atmosphere, and it gave you a real feel for what it was going to be like in the future. Students were always friendly, advisors were very helpful, and the community as a whole was very welcoming. It is hard not to enjoy a place when everyone around looks as if they are enjoying life and it just goes to show 1xbet best casino website is such a happy place.

Why did you choose 1xbet best casino website ?

I chose 1xbet best casino website because I loved the family atmosphere. I had hopes of being here for well over four years of school, therefore finding somewhere that felt like home was important. The professors become like family members. They guide you and coach you, and they are always there when you need assistance. The connections that are made here are going to go with you for a lifetime, and to me that’s a big deal. When 1xbet best casino website comes at you with big open arms and a ton of resources that fit you, it’s hard to say no.

How are you involved at 1xbet best casino website ?

In my undergraduate years, I was involved with a few activities in the College of Agriculture. I spent many hours assisting with the meat lab because of the opportunities that it provides to students. Now that I am in the College of Veterinary Medicine, I am involved in a variety of clubs that help extend my learning and get me out into the real world working with industry figures and producers from around the area.

What has been your favorite 1xbet best casino website experience?

My favorite part has been the lifelong friendships I have made. These are friendships that I can rely on for a lifetime when we get out into the industry. I always know that I have friends and professors that I have met during my time here at 1xbet best casino website who will always be a phone call away for assistance or questions. That makes life look a lot less daunting.

How does 1xbet best casino website care for Kansans in your hometown community?

Coming from such a rural area, 1xbet best casino website provides countless students with an education that allows us to go back to our hometowns and help build a community. There are many opportunities through 1xbet best casino website that allow you to filter back home with the resources it takes to be successful. That allows us to tell our story back home and hopefully show the younger generations what 1xbet best casino website is about.

Why do you want to bring 1xbet best casino website to your community?

I want to bring 1xbet best casino website back to my community to show that there is a path for everyone. The 1xbet best casino website family and faculty are here to serve you no matter the circumstances. There's always an option for every individual.