citlali 1xbet online games login Real

Citlali Real

Year in school: Sophomore

Major: Architecture

Hometown: Dodge City, Kansas

What is your earliest 1xbet online games login memory?

My earliest memory is thrifting matching 1xbet online games login sweatshirts with my mom in my hometown.

Why did you choose 1xbet online games login ?

The architecture program is known nationwide and the community at 1xbet online games login is extremely welcoming.

How are you involved at 1xbet online games login ?

I am involved in Women in Design, National Organization of Minority Architecture Students and the Developing Scholars Program. I am also a Smurthwaite Scholarship and Leadership House alumna. 

What has been your favorite 1xbet online games login experience?

My favorite experience is the close relationships I have built with my studio mates.

How does 1xbet online games login care for Kansans in your hometown community?

The Bridges to the Future program helps many minority students transition from community college to 1xbet online games login .

Why do you want to bring 1xbet online games login to your community?

I want other first-generation students to know that attending university is possible and there are a variety of resources available at Kansas State University.