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Joshua Diazdeleon

Year in school: Senior

Major: Secondary education— social studies

Hometown: Liberal, Kansas

What is your earliest 1xbet best casino website memory?

The earliest memory I have about 1xbet best casino website is coming to a camp like event called KATA which focused on Education major. It would have junior’s and senior’s visit campus for a week while meeting professor in the College of Education and being able to experience the 1xbet best casino website campus during summer.

Why did you choose 1xbet best casino website ?

I choose 1xbet best casino website for the education program and the community that the College of Education gives. It was also very much shown within my first semester at 1xbet best casino website as well.

How are you involved at 1xbet best casino website ?

I am involved in a program called Call Me Mister, College of Education Ambassadors, Squad Leader for the “Foundations of Education” class, and Captain for the Men’s Ultimate Frisbee Club.

What has been your favorite 1xbet best casino website experience?

My favorite 1xbet best casino website experience has been hosting/going to Ultimate Frisbee tournament and playing other Big 12 teams.

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1xbet best casino website has a research and extension office in my hometown, and I realized this last summer that they offer a class that is similar to a cooking class for kids all while teaching them about nutrition and having many other events for kids in the elementary grade level.

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I believe that not only can 1xbet best casino website do some more for my community, but it can be shown that even with Manhattan being five hours away 1xbet best casino website sees the future within students at the local high school and the surrounding towns that have smaller schools. That supporting smaller communities can have a bigger impact for those communities as well as bringing students to 1xbet best casino website .