Alycen berridge 1xbet online casino

Alycen Berridge

Year in school: Senior

Major: Elementary education, minor in leadership studies

Hometown: Nickerson, Kansas

What is your earliest 1xbet online casino memory?

My earliest 1xbet online casino memory was when I dressed up as a 1xbet online casino cheerleader for Halloween. I was in love with the cheer uniform and then I got to wear it to my first 1xbet online casino football game!

Why did you choose 1xbet online casino ?

I chose 1xbet online casino because of how kind and caring everyone was. When I was a sophomore in high school, I had the opportunity to attend Sophomore Days. At this event, I somehow got lost from the group and had no idea where I was. I obviously looked lost because a student came up to me and asked me where I was supposed to be. I said the Union and instead of giving me directions and sending me on my way, this student walked all the way to the Union from the Leadership Studies Building. The whole way we talked about my high school career, what I wanted in a college and I got a candid look into what a 1xbet online casino college experience looked like. After that, I knew that I could see myself growing and learning at 1xbet online casino .

How are you involved at 1xbet online casino ?

I am a member of Kansas State University Student Foundation, the director of primary recruitment in Alpha Delta Pi sorority, the director of banquets and recognition in Blue Key Senior Honorary and a Snyder Leadership Legacy Fellow.

What has been your favorite 1xbet online casino experience?

My favorite 1xbet online casino experience was Sophomore Days when I was a sophomore in high school. At this event not only did I learn that I wanted 1xbet online casino to be my home, but I also made a lifelong friend from it. We stayed in contact all through high school and to this day she is one of my closest friends at 1xbet online casino .

How does 1xbet online casino care for Kansans in your hometown community?

One way that 1xbet online casino cares for Kansans in my hometown community is by creating opportunities for young students. I come from a very small town where college is not a dream everyone can attain. 1xbet online casino offers many scholarships available for high school students seeking a college degree as well as students who may want to further their education beyond college.

Why do you want to bring 1xbet online casino to your community?

I want to bring 1xbet online casino to my community because it creates bonds between people you may have never met before. Being able to bond over football games, memories made and 1xbet online casino and how it shaped us into the people we are today is something unique about 1xbet online casino . This is a bond that can be made through past generations and generations to come.