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Virtual Town hall 1xbet sports betting Meeting for K-State Faculty/Staff

Virtual "Town Hall" for K-State Faculty and Staff featuring 1xbet sports betting Myers and Provost Taber, held Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 9:30 a.m.


Richard Myers 1xbet sports betting
Charles Taber Provost and Executive Vice 1xbet sports betting
Melinda Markham Faculty Senate 1xbet sports betting
Kyle Goerl Medical Director Lafene Health Center
Thomas Lane Vice 1xbet sports betting for Student Life and Dean of Students
Cindy Bontrager Vice 1xbet sports betting and Chief Operating Officer
Ethan Erickson Chief Financial Officer and Director of Budget Planning
Gary Pratt Chief Information Officer
Jay Stephens Vice 1xbet sports betting for Human Capital Services
Linda Cook Chief of Staff and Director of Community Relations
Peter Dorhout Vice 1xbet sports betting for Research
Jeff Morris Vice 1xbet sports betting for Communications and Marketing
Bryan Samuel Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Elliot Young Assistant Vice 1xbet sports betting , University Risk and Compliance Officer

Town Hall for Faculty/Staff PowerPoint (in PDF format)

Kansas State University is committed to providing equal access opportunity and reasonable accommodation to campus programs and services for faculty, staff and students. If you require accommodation to view or hear a video live stream or archive, please submit a request for accommodation. Students should make their request to the faculty 1xbet online s. All others should request accommodation through 1xbet online sports bet.