march 1xbet online casino 2013

Letters to 1xbet online casino

April 2013

Dear 1xbet online casino and Staff,

"It is a great day to be a Wildcat!" This is my opening statement when I am speaking about 1xbet online casino State University to virtually any audience — including alumni, faculty, staff, students, legislators, or any other group I have the opportunity to address. As we wrap up this academic year, I wanted to use the opportunity in this month's letter to provide updates and information about some of our recent initiatives and successes.

During our 25 years of marriage, I 1xbet online casino sometimes get very quiet for a long period of time — often when we are driving somewhere as a family. Noel 1xbet online casino often ask me what I am thinking — and my standard reply is "nothing." She 1xbet online casino then say something like, "I can see that you are talking to yourself — what is up?" So, this month I would like to recount my most recent conversation with myself! Enjoy!

1xbet online casino : When are you going to provide the 1xbet online casino community with specific plans to address faculty and staff salaries?

Answer: Excellent question! In our January 16 web posting on the "Structuring Faculty Salaries Towards K-State 2025 and Beyond" report, Provost Mason and I promised that we would provide our feedback and specific plans to address the issues brought up in the Faculty Compensation Task Force report by the end of the spring semester. We all recognize the need to improve compensation — indeed, specific outcomes for improved compensation are part of our K-State 2025 Visionary Plan. The senior administration is committed to implementing a compensation improvement plan, but first we need to see how our budget year 1xbet online casino finish with the Kansas Legislature and how our proposed tuition and fees proposal 1xbet online casino be received by the Kansas Board of Regents. I anticipate that the Kansas Legislature 1xbet online casino finish their session by the end of May, and at that time we 1xbet online casino provide the campus community with a specific plan covering a multi-year period. This is probably not what faculty and staff on campus would like, but it is the reality of the many variables involved in our budget setting.

1xbet online casino : I see a lot of activity on the NBAF site — is 1xbet online casino project finally going to move forward?

Answer: We have made exceptional progress on a series of NBAF related issues over the past six months — immediately following the November 2012 elections. First, the land that the NBAF facility 1xbet online casino sit on was formally transferred from Kansas State University to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in December 2012. This was a critical first step, and represented the first significant forward progress in several years. Second, the contracts for the construction of a central utility plant were awarded in late February 2013. This approximately million project is jointly funded by the DHS and the State of Kansas — and 1xbet online casino take about two years to complete. The activity you currently see on the NBAF site is the construction teams who 1xbet online casino be working on the central utility plant. Third, President Obama included 4 million+ in his budget proposal to Congress to fund construction of the actual NBAF laboratory facility, which must be matched with an additional 2 million from the State of Kansas. Assuming that this number is what is included once Congress passes a federal budget, the projected five-year NBAF laboratory construction could start as soon as spring 2014. I want to give kudos to Ron Trewyn and Sue Peterson, who have worked diligently with our congressional delegation to make NBAF a reality in Manhattan.

1xbet online casino : The Kansas Department of Agriculture is moving to the 1xbet online casino Research Park — why move it from Topeka to Manhattan?

Answer: This move 1xbet online casino significantly enhance the opportunities for increased collaboration between the Kansas Department of Agriculture and Kansas State University faculty and staff in the College of Agriculture, K-State Research and Extension and the College of Veterinary Medicine. I am a big believer in facilitating ways in which people in different disciplines can informally meet and discuss challenging problems. By having the Department of Agriculture in close proximity to the Manhattan campus, we can better interact with our colleagues. I want to thank the KSU Foundation for their assistance in constructing a new office building to house the Kansas Department of Agriculture — this move would not have been possible without their help.

1xbet online casino : I saw that Nanoscale is closing — what is happening to the Nanoscale building in the 1xbet online casino Research Park?

Answer: The College of Human Ecology 1xbet online casino be purchasing the Nanoscale building from the KSU Foundation, and 1xbet online casino be gaining much needed research space. As these plans are further developed, I 1xbet online casino be sure that the campus community is aware of not only the ways in which this building 1xbet online casino be utilized, but also future plans for additional research space in the K-State Research Park.

1xbet online casino : I saw that 1xbet online casino formally presented the master plan to the Kansas Board of Regents for approval — what are the next steps?

Answer: The president's cabinet spent an afternoon discussing possible next steps in implementing the vision for the needed physical spaces on our campus as described in the master plan. While we identified some key steps, we need to get the different planning groups on campus discussing implementation steps including addressing the proposed campus creek beautification, a campus bus system, expanded parking options, bicycle trails, making our campus more pedestrian friendly, and possible road closures. None of these things 1xbet online casino happen quickly, but as we initiate 0 million+ of academic construction on the southern side of campus we need to make sure we are making the most of our opportunities.

1xbet online casino : 1xbet online casino continues to have several people serving in interim positions. When are some of these national searches going to start?

Answer: We anticipate starting many searches in mid-summer and early fall. Jeff Morris, vice president for communications and marketing, has agreed to chair the search for a permanent vice president for administration and finance. We 1xbet online casino announce a search committee sometime in May and anticipate conducting on-campus interviews in the early part of the fall semester. Over the next several months we 1xbet online casino initiate several other searches to fill important senior-level positions currently held by interim appointments, and I 1xbet online casino be sure to keep the campus community updated as these searches move forward.

1xbet online casino : Well it sounds like everything is going great — 1xbet online casino keeps you awake late at night?

Answer: Many things at K-State are going very well — our fundraising continues to set new records, we have record student enrollments, the K-State 2025 plans continue to receive external kudos from alumni, corporations, and elected officials. However, we have a set of significant challenges as well. How do we pay K-State faculty and staff the salaries they deserve? How do we create an even more inclusive and diverse 1xbet online casino community? How do we continue to grow as a university and achieve our mission of education, research, and service without significant additional state general fund monies? How do we ensure we are keeping the cost of a K-State education affordable for Kansas families? How do we keep 1xbet online casino morale as high as we can given the rapidly changing way public universities are funded and managed?

My answer to these tough questions is the same — we have a plan and we need to keep at it through both the ups and the downs. I am reminded of the question, "How do you eat an elephant?" Answer — "One bite at a time." Let's all keep eating one bite at a time and building an even better 1xbet online casino .

I appreciate the effort that every member of the 1xbet online casino family puts into ensuring we have a great educational experience for our undergraduate and graduate students. I hope you have a productive summer!

Eating one bite at a 1xbet online casino —
