Letters to 1xbet online sports betting

1xbet online sports betting 22, 2010

As you all know, the last few years have been financially challenging to public higher education in Kansas. We have had to deal with significant cuts to our base budget from the State of Kansas, 1xbet online sports betting has resulted in many open positions, 1xbet online sports betting in turn has meant that many of you have had to do more with less. The financial forecast for the next several years does not look promising, 1xbet online sports betting means that we must continue to look for ways to trim our overall budget. Despite our lessening finances, the K-State faculty and staff have all worked a little harder to get by with less while maintaining our dedication to our students.

My idea from the beginning of my tenure at Kansas State was to engage in a 1xbet online sports betting wide brainstorming activity which would generate ideas for continued cost savings. I am proud of the number and quality of submissions, which exceeded 1500 suggestions from the 1xbet online sports betting community. These were then pared down, and input was sought from a variety of different governance groups on 1xbet online sports betting including the Faculty Senate, Classified Senate and Student Senate. Over the past couple of months, I have been working with the cabinet to bring forth a series of budget recommendations which seek to address M in funding needs. The overarching theme when looking at our internal allocation of funds is to be sure that we are reinvesting as many dollars as possible into maintaining the quality of our educational endeavors.

My recommendations to the 1xbet online sports betting community for the upcoming year are available on the Web at: /1xbet online sports betti. The documents available include a spreadsheet with overall recommendations in summary form, a second spreadsheet with detailed cuts by unit area, and a memo 1xbet online sports betting summarizes the key recommendations received from various groups along with our comments on each item.

As we went through our deliberations, there are several key items that the cabinet kept in mind. These principles are what we used in our current proposed 1xbet online sports betting reallocations, and should help explain our decision processes.

First, we had a strong desire to protect the core mission of 1xbet online sports betting -- and as such, to protect the budgets of our departments and colleges as much as possible. With this in mind, it is our intent to hold department and college budgets flat for the upcoming year.

Second, we felt that cuts must be strategic and not simply across the board. In support of this goal, we have provided a specific list of items 1xbet online sports betting will no longer be funded.

Third, we felt that it was critical that we reinvest in hiring needed faculty and staff members in key instructional, research and extension areas across 1xbet online sports betting . It is our proposal that a per credit hour instructional fee be assessed, and that these dollars would be returned directly to the college that generated the credit hours. This will provide our colleges the opportunities to fill needed faculty and staff lines to ensure that our educational experience retains a high quality for undergraduate and graduate students.

Fourth, it is important to remember that this is simply a target number 1xbet online sports betting represents our best guess of where we need to be. Further cuts could be required depending on whether the governor's recommendation to hold higher education to our same budget allocation as last year is approved by the Legislature. I am spending as much time as possible in Topeka making a strong case for continued investment in higher education in Kansas, as are the other higher education leaders at our sister universities.

It is important to note that all of the funds 1xbet online sports betting were cut were used for critical items for the success of Kansas State University; indeed, loss of the monies will negatively effect our ability to function as a modern research university. We have tried to document the projected impacts of these cost cutting measures in the spreadsheets located on the Web site.

As you read through these, I am sure you will have some questions and concerns. I am always happy to hear your comments, and would urge you to express your opinions to me directly through e-mail, kirks@k-state.edu, to contact your representatives on either the Faculty, Classified or Student Senates, or come to the budget forum on 1xbet online sports betting from 1:30 until 3 p.m. at Forum Hall on February 23 or from 2 to 3:20 p.m. on the Salina 1xbet online sports betting March 1.

I appreciate your continued support as we move K-State forward, and look forward to hearing from the 1xbet online sports betting community.

