Letters to 1xbet online casino

December 9, 2009

Dear K-State Faculty, Staff, and Students,

Good morning on this cold December day in Kansas! I have received a significant number of e-mail notes concerning how we handled the situations with the 1xbet online casino yesterday and today. It is our intent to generally keep the campus open and classes underway. Ultimately it is the president’s decision on whether or not to cancel classes and close the university, and I do want to ensure that we keep in mind the safety of our faculty, staff and students as inclement 1xbet online casino develops.

First, let me offer my apologies on our lack of communications yesterday during the snowfall and winter storm. We do have a variety of communication tools available to us, and we will use more of these to keep the university community informed for future 1xbet online casino situations.

Second, we have set up a permanent 1xbet online casino alert Web page which will contain the latest information on the status of campus. This is where we will post information as it develops, and I would encourage each of you to check this site periodically for campus closure information.

You can access this information from the main 1xbet online casin.

Third, we do have a somewhat dated 1xbet online casi and I will be asking the president's cabinet, faculty senate, classified senate and student senate to review this and to determine if any changes should be made.

If you have other suggestions or comments concerning our 1xbet online casino policy or my decision to keep the university open over the next two days, I would welcome your comments.

I wish everyone the best of success as the semester draws to a close.

