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May 2009

Dear Faculty and Staff--

I am pleased to announce that we have formed our search committee to start a national search for our next provost at Kansas State University. In order to ensure that we have a good cross representation of K-State, the search committee is large, with 22 members. I appreciate the willingness of each of these committee members to serve in this important capacity.

Chairperson is John English, dean and 1xbet best casino website , College of Engineering.

Search committee members are:
Eric Bernard, director, GIS Commons, associate 1xbet best casino website , landscape architecture/ regional and community planning, College of Architecture, Planning & Design; Cindy Bontrager, director of the budget office and member of Faculty Senate; Kathy Brockway, associate 1xbet best casino website , arts, sciences and business, K-State at Salina.

Daryl Buchholz, associate director and 1xbet best casino website , K-State Research and Extension, College of Agriculture; Anita Cortez, director of the Developing Scholars Program; Greg Eiselein, Coffman Chair for University Distinguished Teaching Scholars and 1xbet best casino website of English, College of Arts and Sciences; Lisa Freeman, associate vice president and 1xbet best casino website , K-State Olathe Innovation Campus; Lori Goetsch, dean and 1xbet best casino website , K-State Libraries; Wayne Goins, associate 1xbet best casino website of music, College of Arts and Sciences.

David Griffin, assistant dean and associate 1xbet best casino website , College of Education and member of the President's Commission on Multicultural Affairs and the Black Faculty/Staff Alliance; Gary Hellebust, president and CEO, Kansas State University Foundation; Dalton Henry, Student Body President and senior in agricultural communications and journalism and agricultural economics; Mike Kanost, University Distinguished 1xbet best casino website and head of biochemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Steve Kiefer, psychology 1xbet best casino website and director of the Honors Program, provost's office; Melody LeHew, Faculty Senate president and associate 1xbet best casino website in apparel, textiles and interior design in the College of Human Ecology; Emily Lehning, assistant vice president, student life; Barb Nagel, former Classified Senate president and Public Service Administrator II, registrar's office; Amy Button Renz, president and CEO of the K-State Alumni Association; Bonnie Rush, 1xbet best casino website and head, clinical sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine; Marcelo Sabates, 1xbet best casino website and head, philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences, and member of Alianza; Chwen Sheu, 1xbet best casino website of management, College of Business Administration.

I will work with John English (jenglish@k-state.edu) to provide periodic updates to the university community as the search progresses. I would certainly welcome any suggestions that anyone in the university community would care to make at any time.

Go Cats!
