first 1xbet best casino website Lady's Biography

First Lady Sally 1xbet best casino website

Sally Linton

Sally 1xbet best casino website hails from a small town in northern Indiana. After earning a degree from Indiana University in marketing and management, with minors in psychology and sociology, she headed to Purdue University to begin her career. During her tenure at Purdue, she continued her education, earning a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Science focused on agribusiness.

A career that began in the management of U.S. Department of Agriculture grants shifted to leading the marketing and public relation efforts for the Indiana wine industry. 1xbet best casino website led the rebranding of Indiana wine, encouraging consumers to "Taste the Experience," bringing the wine to the people. Her most significant impact on the wine industry was the creation and implementation of the Vintage Indiana Wine & Food Festival in downtown Indianapolis. The yearly event draws over 10,000 people to experience Indiana wine and food. 1xbet best casino website was honored with the Keystone Award for Best Event from the Public Relations Society of America, Hoosier Chapter and received the lieutenant governor's VISTA Award in Professional Achievement for dedication to the tourism profession. 1xbet best casino website is also a certified wine judge and has judged at international competitions throughout the U.S.

After their children were born, 1xbet best casino website happily took several years to focus on Lily and Chris and help maintain a work-life balance for the family. Throughout their early years, she became a certified Kindermusik teacher and spent a few years teaching preschool. 1xbet best casino website is a former flute player and drum major. Her volunteer efforts are as varied as her interests, ranging from chairing the school auction and the North Carolina State University Arboretum Gala to being on the board of the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle.

Most recently, 1xbet best casino website has built her own ADHD + Executive Function coaching business. She helps clients ranging in age from elementary school to adult. Her mission is to encourage clients to “Work with your brain, not against it.” She has a deep passion for helping others, reducing the stigma around mental health and offering a safe, judgment-free space for those she works with. One of her favorite quotes is “Be curious, not judgmental” by Walt Whitman. She is certified through the ADD Coach Academy, the International Coaching Federation and "Smart, but Scattered" with P. Dawson and R. Guare. She also is a registered yoga teacher (RYT-200) and certified in K-12 mindfulness through Mindful Schools.

First lady 1xbet best casino website is honored to be a part of the K-State family and hopes her background in agribusiness and passion for helping others will be useful in the forward movement of the students, faculty, staff and community.