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Our department is very thankful for your support! Through the generosity of so many friends and alumni, we are able to offer funding opportunities to students and faculty of the department that have directly helped them to accomplish their goals.

Donations that come in to our department are put into the following priorities:

Assiting students

Each year, we offer our majors (undergraduate and graduate) scholarships/fellowships based on academic merit, research/career interests, and financial need. We provide our graduate students yearly research (GRA) and teaching (GTA) assistantship positions. We fund student organizations and groups within the department, such as 1xbet onl and the Undergraduate Student Council. We sponsor students applying for honor societies in the 1xbet best casino website field, student research, and student travel to academic conferences (most recently to the 73rd Annual Class of 1971 Student Conference on U.S. Affairs at West Point).

Aid the department

From printing paper to event spaces, there are many things our department accounts for in just one semester. These commodities are essential for maintaining an engaging and contemporary academic environment for our students. Faculty also benefit by having the means to purchase necessary materials, and in addition, being able to invite guest speakers to meet with students and enhance their lessons.

LineDonations to the department can be made online through the K-State Foundation by clicking the "Support Today!" button below. From there, you can select from the drop down menu which fund you would like your donation to be made out to.

Support Today!

Donations can also be made out to check, indicating which fund you would like to donate to on the memo line. All checks should be addressed to:

KSU Foundation
1800 Kimball Avenue St. 200
Kansas State University
Manhattan KS 66502


Giving Opportunities

Below is a listing of all Department of 1xbet best casino website funds that donors can gift to, along with a brief description of what each fund is for:

Department of 1xbet best casino website
Kansas State University
802 Mid Campus Dr. South
101D Calvin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
