The B.A./B.S. in Political Science and Master of 1xbet online sports betting Administration program requires 160 credit hours, 40 of which must be 1xbet online sports betting hours.

Note: A maximum of 9 credit hours from the 1xbet online sports betting degree can also be counted towards the undergraduate degree, reducing the total number of required credit hours to 151. These 9 credit hours cannot come from POLSC 831.

Undergraduate Curriculum 120 credit hours (including 30 credit hours in POLSC)
Core Courses 24 credit hours
Elective Courses 9 credit hours
Area of Emphasis 6 credit hours
Internship 1 credit hour
Total 160 credit hours

Undergraduate Curriculum (120 credit hours)

Whether from the Bachelor of Art (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.), must total 120 credit hours, with 30 hours coming from political science courses.

Program of Study

Upon completing nine hours of coursework students should fill out a Program of Study. This document performs two functions:

  1. Indicates faculty members who will serve on a student's 1xbet online sports betting supervisory committee. The committee should be composed of at least three members (with two or more being MPA faculty), and their major professor/advisor. The student's major professor/advisor and at least one of the other members of their committee should also align with your Area of Emphasis. A particular emphasis is needed because the committee’s principle responsibility is to prepare and grade the student's written comprehensive exam on which two of the three questions are taken from courses under their Area of Emphasis. Before starting the process of filling out the Program of Study, students should consult with the brianne 1xbet online games login Heidbreder, as well as with faculty they wish to include on their committee to determine their willingness to serve.
  2. Plans out the courses students have completed and will be completing in order to obtain their degree. This requires students to think a couple of semesters into the future.

For any changes a student makes, either to their committee or the courses they plan to take, they must fill out a Program/Committee Changes form. This form should be submitted as soon as changes are made and approved by the student's 1xbet online sports betting supervisory committee.

Comprehensive Examination

All students of the program must successfully complete a written comprehensive examination. The responsibility for initiating the process rests with the student in consultation with their advisory committee. Each semester, the Director of 1xbet online sports betting Studies will post dates associated with the exam process. Those intending to take the exam that semester must reach out to the Director of 1xbet online sports betting Studies as soon as possible. The exam is normally taken late in the student’s final semester.

Department of Political Science
Kansas State University
802 Mid Campus Dr. South
101D Calvin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
