Angela Y.S. park 1xbet online games login

Ph.D. 1xbet online games login Administration, University of Kansa

Angela Park is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Kansas State University. She receivedA_Park her B.A. from the University of Queensland, Australia, her Masters in 1xbet online games login Policy (MPP) from Michigan State University, and her Ph.D. in 1xbet online games login Administration from the University of Kansas.

Angela's research focuses on local governance and performance management especially in the context of urban sustainability. Her recent research works appear in journals, such as the Journal of 1xbet online games login Administration Research and Theory, 1xbet online games login Administration Review, and Policy Studies Journal. Angela has also won several awards, including the Leonard D. White Award (2020) for the best dissertation in the field of 1xbet online games login administration by the American Political Science Association (APSA) and Staats Emerging Scholar Award (2018) by the Network of Schools of 1xbet online games login Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA).
