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Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506

1xbet online casino @k-state.edu

1xbet online casino Services Request Form

This form will send 1xbet online casino request to our Creative Services team in the Division of Communications and Marketing. Our office is excited to partner with you in representing 1xbet online casino unit and the university with high-quality photography.

Prior to submitting 1xbet online casino request, please read our 1xbet online games lo and keep the following in mind to get the best out of our services:

  • All 1xbet online casino requests must be submitted and approved at least 10 business days prior to the requested date of the photoshoot.
  • Some photoshoots may require pre-production meetings and/or locations scouts to properly prepare for production. Our photography staff will reach out to 1xbet online casino to make these arrangements if needed.
  • To ensure our office can accommodate the highest number of requests, photoshoots for events are limited to one hour. If 1xbet online casino event is longer than an hour, please be prepared to let us know which section of the event you would like us to attend.
  • Per the Office of the Vice President of Research, all individuals photographed in research or laboratory settings must wear safety goggles, gloves and any other required protective gear.

Our office will respond to 1xbet online casino request within 3 business days. If you have any questions or special requests, please contact our office directly at: photo@ksu.edu

Requestor's Information

If you do not know 1xbet online casino designated client manager, please visit the Marketing Services website to find the client manager assigned to 1xbet online casino area.

Photoshoot information

Give a title to 1xbet online casino event or photoshoot.

The date of the event and time the event will be held. (If the date is flexible or 1xbet online casino need help scheduling, please input todays date)

What is the length or times of the 1xbet online casino .

The specific timeframe our services will be required. Please note, most events and photoshoots will be limited to one hour to accommodate the most requests. (Please note that 1xbet online casino photographer’s time may be limited to exactly the time that is requested/approved, as photographers can often have events scheduled back-to-back.)

The name and phone number of an on-site contact that will be present at 1xbet online casino shoot.

Please give us a small description of what type of photographs you are expecting. Is there a specific activities during 1xbet online casino even you want captured? Are there any specific people that need to be photographed?

Additional Information

Please be as specific as possible. This information helps our photo team properly plan 1xbet online casino shoot and ensure you receive the highest quality photos that meet 1xbet online casino specific needs. If 1xbet online casino photos are for a specific project being produced through the Division of Communications and marketing, please note that here.

If 1xbet online casino have a deadline that 1xbet online casino will need the digital files by, please enter it here.

Before submitting 1xbet online casino request, please verify that all information is accurate and complete.