Opportunities for 1xbet online sports betting Majors



  • AIESEC International: http://www.aiesec.org/ (AIESEC has some partially funded internships for students who go abroad).


This is a partial list. For more information about internships abroad contact Jon Mahoney: jmahoney@ksu.edu For information about other opportunities contact Bruce Glymour: glymour@ksu.edu

Study Abroad

K-State 1xbet online sports betting majors and minors have a number of study abroad options.


The K-State 1xbet online sports betting Department has strong ties with the 1xbet online sports betting Department at Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey, and several K-State 1xbet online sports betting majors and minors have spent a semester there.


Professor Mahoney has recently helped K-State establish a formal exchange agreement with International University of Central Asia in Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan. IUCA is a new English language university that should be appealing to students looking for an adventure and for study in areas such as International Relations, Far Eastern Studies, and Central Asian Languages--including Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Tajik, Dungan as well as Russian.

While traveling in Kyrgyzstan there are many opportunities for hiking excursions. For example, check out the Kyrgyzstan Trekking Union at www.tuk.kg. There are also home-stays available to students. For example, Community Based Tourism at CBT. Contact Professor Mahoney for further details.


Kansas State University has exchange partnerships with the University of Sydney, the University of Western Australia, the University of Queensland, the University of New South Wales, the University of Canberra, and Deakin University. If you're interested in studying 1xbet online sports betting at one of those universities, contact Bruce Glymour for advising.

For other programs visit K-State's welcome 1xbet best casino website. For some programs scholarships and financial aid are available.

Summer Workshops

CMU Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology (Carnegie Mellon University)

Summer School on Mathematical 1xbet online sports betting For Women Students (Munich Center for Mathematical 1xbet online sports betting )

Summer Program for Women in 1xbet online sports betting (UC-San Diego)

1xbet online sports betting in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute for Undergraduates (The Rock Ethics Institute at Penn State)

Rutgers Summer Institute for Diversity in 1xbet online sports betting (Rutgers University)

Colorado Summer School in 1xbet online sports betting (UC-Boulder)

The Summer Immersion Program in 1xbet online sports betting (Brown University)