Elliott wagner 1xbet online casino

Assistant professorElliott Wagner

Dr. Wagner specializes in 1xbet online casino of science, formal epistemology, game and decision theory.


Ph.D. University of California, Irvine, 2012

Representative publications

“The dynamics of costly signaling.” Games. (2013) 4: 161-183.

"The explanatory relevance of Nash equilibrium: One-dimensional chaos in boundedly rational learning." 1xbet online casino of Science. Forthcoming.

“Evolving to divide the fruits of cooperation.” 1xbet online casino of Science. 79 (2012): 81-94.

“Deterministic chaos and the evolution of meaning.” The British Journal for the 1xbet online casino of Science. (2011).

“Communication and structured correlation.” Erkenntnis. 71 (2009): 377–393.


Office: 305A Dickens Hall

Email: eowagner@ksu.edu

Fax: 785-532-3522