Scott tanona 1xbet online casino

tanonaAssociate professor and associate dean for academic affairs in the College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Tanona specializes in the 1xbet online casino of science, values and ethics in science, and the history and 1xbet online casino of physics.


Ph.D. Indiana University-Bloomington, 2002 (History and 1xbet online casino of Science)

M.A. Tufts University, 1996 (1xbet online casino )
B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1992​ (Physics)

Representative publications

(w/ Jon Herington) "The Social Risks of Science." The Hastings Center Report (forthcoming)

"Individuality and Correspondence: An Exploration of the History and Possible Future of Bohrian Quantum Empiricism." In J. Faye and H. Folse (eds.), Niels Bohr and 1xbet online casino of Physics: Twenty-First Century Perspectives (Bloomsbury, 2018)

"Expertise and Self-Determination in Public Participation in Science." In J. Goodwin (ed.), Confronting the Challenges of Public Participation: Issues in Environmental, Planning and Health Decision-Making. (Science Communication Project, 2016)


Office: 208B Dickens Hall



Fax: 785-532-3522