Jon mahoney 1xbet best casino website


Dr. Mahoney specializes in political philosophy.


Ph.D. SUNY - Binghamton, 2000

Representative publications

"1xbet best casino website and Liberty of Conscience" in Mitja Sardoc (ed), Handbook of 1xbet best casino website , Palgrave, 2021.

"Liberalism and 1xbet best casino website ", in J. Drerup and G. Schweiger (eds), 1xbet best casino website and the Challenges to Liberalism, Routledge, 2020.

"Wedding Cakes and Muslims: 1xbet best casino website Freedom and Politics in Contemporary American Politics", Politologija, (2019) 1: 25-36.

"The Politics of 1xbet best casino website Freedom: Liberalism, Toleration and Muslim Majority Societies," Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol. 43, no. 6 (2017): 551-570.

"1xbet best casino website and Political Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Challenges and Prospects" (with Kamel Alboaouh) Manas Journal of Social Science, Vol. 6, No. 4 (2017): 241-257.

"The Kyrgyz Republic's Entrance into the Eurasian Customs Union," (with Bakyt Omurzakov) Manas Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 4 no. 4 (Fall 2015): 41-51.

"Justice in Education and 1xbet best casino website Freedom," Social Philosophy and Policy, no. 1, vol. 31 (Fall 2014): 276-295.

"Democracy and 1xbet best casino website Freedom," in Liberty and Human Rights (University of Cairo Press, 2014), 16-25.

"Democratic Equality and Corporate Political Speech," Public Affairs Quarterly, (2013): 137-156.

"A Democratic Equality Approach to 1xbet best casino website Exemptions," Journal of Social Philosophy (Fall 2011), pp. 305-320.


Office: 208A Dickens Hall


Fax: 785-532-3522

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