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1xbet online casino Awards & Scholarships,

Scholarship Recipients, 2015-2016

Awards from The Honor Society of 1xbet online games login Kappa 1xbet online games login —the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines

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Alyssa Greenwood

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1xbet online games login Greenwood (pictured), junior double-major in Public Relations and International and Area Studies, and minoring in French, was recently awarded the 1xbet online games login Kappa 1xbet online games login Study Abroad Grant to fund a year-long trip to Lyon, France.

Alyssa chose this particular location because theUniversité Lumière Lyon 2 offers a homestay program where she can practice her French constantly with a local family, and for the opportunity to stay abroad for a year. During that time she 1xbet online games login complete a research paper for her International and Area Studies major. Alyssa plans to attend graduate school after her time abroad and eventually live in a French-speaking country.

1xbet online games login Kappa 1xbet online games login Study Abroad Grants help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. The honor society awards 50 ,000 grants each year. Applicants are not required to be members of 1xbet online games login Kappa 1xbet online games login .

1xbet online games login – Love of Learning
Adam Szetela

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Adam 1xbet online games login (pictured),Kansas State 1xbet online games login Instructor in the English Department, and Sridevi Betha, doctoral student in Agronomy, are receiving a Love of Learning 1xbet online games login . They are two of 80 recipients nationwide to receive the 1xbet online games login .

Szetela plans to use the award to pay for travel expenses to two academic conferences in 2016: the national conference of the Marxist Reading Group at the 1xbet online games login of Florida in Gainesville and the international conference of the Cultural Studies Association at Villanova 1xbet online games login in Philadelphia. At both conferences he will present his research on the cultural and economic history of American bodybuilding, as it relates to transformations in capitalist labor at the turn of the nineteenth-century.

Betha expressed, "I am honored and extremely grateful to know that I was the recipient of Love of Learning Award and would like to express my sincere gratitude to the 1xbet online games login Kappa 1xbet online games login honor society for the financial assistance. I would like to use the 0 to pay my tuition for the 2016 spring semester."

Szetela and Betha were initiated into the 1xbet online games login this year.

The 1xbet online games login Kappa 1xbet online games login Love of Learning Award program helps fund graduate or professional studies, doctoral dissertations, continuing education, career development and travel related to teaching and studies for active membersof the society, which is the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines.

1xbet online games login – Fellowships
Reagan Kays

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Charles "Reagan" Kays, summa cum laude 1xbet online games login in agribusiness and pre-law and former Student Governing Association president, was recently awarded a fellowship to study agriculture, business and public policy law at Georgetown 1xbet online games login Law Center in Washington, D.C. He is one of 51 student recipients nationwide to receive the award this year, and one of 26 Kansas State 1xbet online games login students to recieve a fellowship in the last 30 years.

"I feel blessed to have received this honor," Kays said. "The 1xbet online games login Kappa 1xbet online games login Graduate Fellowship will allow me to work less and dive deeper into the material presented to me in law school. I am excited for the next step in my academic career."

Each 1xbet online games login can nominate one candidate to the national competition and selection is based on the applicant's expected success in graduate or professional study as determined by academic achievement, service and leadership experience, career goals and acceptance at an approved graduate or professional program.

1xbet online games login – Literacy Grant
Barbara Amoah

00 Awarded

Barbara Amoah, was recently awarded a Literacy Grant. She is one of 14 recipients nationwide to receive the award this year.Amoah was initiated into the 1xbet online games login in 2013 at Kansas State University. She currently is pursuing a PhD in entomology at Kansas State University.

The ,000 grant will be used to support the "A Book a Time" project, which is a new initiative planned between September 2015 and May 2016 to inspire students to develop a love for reading, 1xbet online games login , and writing. As part of the program, new and gently used books will be donated to government middle schools in Akim Achiase, a small farming community in Southern Ghana, Africa. Students will be encouraged to read at least one book each month and submit a summary to enter into a monthly competition.

The 1xbet online games login Kappa 1xbet online games login Literacy Grant program was established in 2003 to provide funding to 1xbet online games login Kappa 1xbet online games login chapters and active members for ongoing projects or new initiatives that reinforce part of the Society's mission "to engage the community of scholars in service to others." Drawing from a multi-disciplinary Society of students and scholars from large and small institutions, applicants are encouraged to consider literacy projects that have creative relevance to their disciplines and the needs of their communities.

1xbet online games login - Love of Learning Awards
Joelle Pitts

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Joelle 1xbet online games login ,assistant professor and instructional design librarian at K-State Libraries, is receiving a Love of Learning 1xbet online games login . She is one of 80 recipients nationwide to receive the 1xbet online games login .

Pitts will use the fundsto travel to the American Library Association conference in San Francisco where she as part of a panel session is speaking about the use of the rapid prototyping instructional design model to create quality library 1xbet online games login objects. She will also present two posters -- one about K-State's LibGuides content management system and another about a study of library awareness and usage by distance students and faculty.

Pitts was initiated into the 1xbet online games login in 2011.

The 1xbet online games login Kappa 1xbet online games login Love of Learning Award program helps fund graduate or professional studies, doctoral dissertations, continuing education, career development and travel related to teaching and studies for active membersof the society, which is the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines.

,000 Scholarships Awarded

Garrett Kays, Agricultural Economics

Caitlyn Webb, 1xbet online games login