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Medhat 1xbet online sports betting

Chapter Scholar Award, presented in April 2002

This year, the Scholar Award goes to Dr. Medhat Morcos, Professor of Electrical and Computer 1xbet online sports betting .

Dr. Morcos received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical 1xbet online sports betting from Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt, as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Military Science from the Egyptian Military Academy. Following graduation, he joined the Egyptian Air Force as an avionics engineer and retired with the rank of Lt. Colonel in 1981. He completed a Master of Science in electrical 1xbet online sports betting at Cairo University in 1978 and a Ph.D. in electrical 1xbet online sports betting at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in 1984.

During his tenure here at Kansas State, Dr. Morcos has made outstanding scholarly contributions to the field of power systems 1xbet online sports betting His research focuses on power electronics, control systems, artificial intelligence applications in power quality and power systems protection, gaseous insulation, and high-voltage 1xbet online sports betting .

His scholarly output includes 35 refereed journal articles, 18 Power 1xbet online sports betting Letters, 38 papers presented at international conferences and 41 papers given at national conferences. He has made presentations in Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Dr. Morcos has been an investigator on grants that have brought in more than 4,000 in research funding since 1988.

Dr. Morcos teaches courses from the undergraduate to the Ph.D. level. He has supervised 5 Doctoral students and 19 Master's students through the completion of their programs. He serves as a member of the editorial boards of the international journal Electric Power Components and Systems and the journal IEEE Power 1xbet online sports betting Letters.

Dr. Morcos has been the recipient of a number of awards for outstanding teaching and research. These honors include: University Chair for Distinguished Teaching Scholars, Commerce Bank All University Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, LeRoy Paslay Award for Excellence in Teaching and Research, and the College of 1xbet online sports betting James Hollis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Dr. Morcos present an lecture on "Efficiency and Effectiveness of Distance Learning", as part of the Provost's Lecture Series a week ago.

The Scholar award criteria:

  1. Quality of accomplishments in
    the nominee's field of study.
  2. Achievements of regional,
    national and/or international
    scope (publications, research,
    invited lectures, etc.).
  3. Honors and other forms of
    recognition for excellence in
    scholarly work.