auto 1xbet sports betting Assistance

The KSU 1xbet sports betting and KSU Police Department provides Customer Assistance Program (CAP) to help motorist who may be experiencing minor problems with their vehicles. The CAP system provides assistance for motorist having one or more of the following problems.

If you lock your keys in your car, the University Police can call the locksmith to assist you. 1xbet sports betting keeps an air bubble charged with air and if a tire leak is slow enough, they will refill the tire to help you get to a service station. 1xbet sports betting has several gas cans that may help you if your vehicle runs out of gas on the campus. Contact the office when your trouble may be lack of fuel. 1xbet sports betting has jumper cables to help you get moving again when your battery is not fully charged

Who to Contact

  • Flat tire - contact 1xbet sports betting at 532-PARK(7275)
  • Out of gas - contact 1xbet sports betting at 532-PARK(7275)
  • Dead battery - contact 1xbet sports betting at 532-PARK(7275)

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