Fellow Responsibilities

Be a 1xbet online games login Graduate Fellow

1xbet online games login Graduate Fellows invest 2-3 hours per week as research mentors for a multidisciplinary team of senior undergraduate students in the 1xbet online games login capstone class BAE/DAS/GENAG 582.

  • Mentor undergraduates to properly conduct research and help 1xbet online games login find ways to bring their own knowledge, skills, and talents to interdisciplinary and collaborative work.
  • Be able to articulate advice and experiences that are easily understood by your team members and be an active listener who helps your 1xbet online games login find solutions on their own.
  • Ensure that field work is a key part of your team's 1xbet online games login project. At minimum, conduct a study site visit early in the semester.
  • Emphasize data analysis – quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed methods – as part of the 1xbet online games login project.
  • Get 1xbet online games login involved in their own training. For example, have 1xbet online games login instruct their peers on topics or skills learned from their major that are relevant to the team's effort.
  • Help 1xbet online games login prepare a professional oral presentation, written report or research manuscript, and poster appropriate for an professional academic conference.
  • Provide constructive feedback on student work and grade all assignments submitted by 1xbet online games login in a timely manner.
  • Attend scheduled class meetings and lead small groups discussions about 1xbet online games login Seminar presentations and special training classes.