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Cutting 2
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The Bell Memorial artist at work

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The K-State Peace 1xbet online games login is a work of art! It was created by Jim Bell and his family of sixth-generation stonemasons from Beloit, KS. Bell owns and operates Bell Memorials.

Traditional Peace 1xbet online games login top

#1 - The piece of granite long enough for a 9' Peace 1xbet online games login came from Georgia

The four languages on our 1xbet online games login are: Japanese, where the Peace 1xbet online games login project began after WWII; Dzongkha, the language of Bhutan where progress is measured in terms of "gross national happiness"; the local Native American language of Potowatomi; and English.

Part of the dedication ceremony crowd, including a few of the drummers from the Manhattan Unitarian Universalist Fellowship who brought a heartbeat to the festivities.

Peace 1xbet online games login plaque

Smudging Ceremony


Rev. Thea Nietfeld leading the dedication

Linda Teener, UFM director, cutting the ribbon

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