The importance of 1xbet online sports betting in the livestock value chain

Groundwater is the lifeline of western Kansas, and the Kansas 1xbet online sports betting Institute is playing a role in discussions with leaders in the beef and dairy industries to address new technologies and 1xbet online sports betting conservation innovations.

Black cows stand to either side of a watering trough at a feedyardDemonstration Events

Kansas feedyard puts a spotlight on a new 1xbet online sports betting reclamation system

The Irsik & Doll Feedyard in Garden City, Kansas, hosted a public demonstration of a mobile education 1xbet online sports betting lab to highlight the latest in 1xbet online sports betting filtration technology for industry use in 1xbet online sports betting -limited regions of the state. The technology is still in the development stages, but the mobile education 1xbet online sports betting lab from Western Kansas Irrigation can process the 1xbet online sports betting from a feedyard lagoon 1xbet online sports betting into 1xbet online sports betting that's safe for cattle to drink.

Upcoming Events

Understanding 1xbet online sports betting conservation from each link in the value chain

Over the past seven months, Aimpoint Research has conducted a variety of interviews, secondary research, and stakeholder engagements with the goal of understanding Ogallala Aquifer 1xbet online sports betting conservation from the perspective of farmers, producers, and others linked in the value chain. There is a growing community committed to developing a workable framework for the execution of conservation practices that ensure the aquifer’s viability while maintaining producer profitability. On August 20, 2024, Aimpoint Research will present an overview of findings and recommendations from this research. The presentation will include a panel discussion with feedyards participating in the facilitated engagements.

Where: K-State Student Union - Wildcat Chamber (918 N. MLK Jr. Drive, Manhattan, KS). Parking is available in the parking garage adjacent to the Union using the ParkMobile app.

When: August 20, 2024 - Join us at 2:00 pm for Aimpoint's American Food Power presentation and at 3:00 pm for the final report and panel discussion. A brief reception will be held between the two presentations.

For planning purposes, we ask that you RSVP here.