Partners and advisory 1xbet online games login Board

Partnering for success

Tackling the water resource challenges in 1xbet online games login and nationwide will require leveraging the expertise and knowledge at K-State with partnering 1xbet online games login Board of Regents, or KBOR, institutions as well as local, state and federal agencies and organizations.

Joining 1xbet online games login State University, we currently have partnerships with four additional KBOR institutions: Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, the University of 1xbet online games login and Wichita State University. Additionally, we have six additional state/federal partners: 1xbet online games login Biological Survey, 1xbet online games login Department of Agriculture, 1xbet online games login Department of Health and Environment, 1xbet online games login Geological Survey, 1xbet online games login Water Office and the U.S. Geological Survey.

Advisory board

The 1xbet online games login Water Institute's partnerships build upon a collaborative advisory council that includes representation from the following entities:

  • Rachel Bowes, Emporia State University
  • Jim Butler, 1xbet online games login Geological Survey
  • Grady Dixon, Fort Hays State University
  • Randy Hayzlett, Groundwater Management District #3
  • Lane Letourneau, 1xbet online games login Department of Agriculture (Division of Water Resources)
  • Nathan Nelson, 1xbet online games login State University
  • Connie Owen, 1xbet online games login Water Office
  • Kayla Savage, 1xbet online games login Department of Commerce
  • Marcia Schulmeister, University of 1xbet online games login
  • Aleksey Sheshukov, 1xbet online games login State University
  • Wesley Streeter, Pittsburg State University
  • Matt Unruh, 1xbet online games login Water Office
  • Nicholas Willis, Wichita State University