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Funding opportunities from the Kansas 1xbet online games login Institute

The Kansas 1xbet online games login Institute is proud to support innovative research faculty from different universities in Kansas. Using funds awarded by USGS from the 1xbet online games login Resources Research Act, KWI supports projects that focus on high-priority 1xbet online games login topics identified by the Kansas state 1xbet online games login plan.

1xbet online games login Resources Research Act, Section 104(b)

Funding for this round of 104(b) projects has been awarded. If you are interested in learning when the next WRRA RFP will take place, contact us.

The Kansas 1xbet online games login Institute (KWI) accepts proposals for research grants under the 1xbet online games login Resources Research Act, Section 104(b). Funded by the U.S. Geological Survey, the Section 104(b) major goals are to foster research on 1xbet online games login and related issues of importance to the state and region and to encourage the entry of students and early career scientists into the field of 1xbet online games login resources.

The funding requests for this RFP are typically capped at ,000 for a 2-year project and require a 1:1 match. The RFP typically funds four projects.

Student support from the Kansas 1xbet online games login Institute

The Kansas 1xbet online games login Institute is dedicated to supporting the work of our next generation of 1xbet online games login scientists. If you are an undergraduate or graduate student interested in pursuing this field of study, and you have questions about your path forward, get in touch with us!

1xbet online games login Fellows Program

The KWI Undergraduate Research Fellows Program is a two-semester program that supports K-State Students who are conducting a 1xbet online games login -related research project with a K-State faculty member during Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.

The KWI 1xbet online games login Fellows Program is designed to support juniors or seniors with their undergraduate research experiences. Participating students qualify for a ,000 per semester Duane and Terry Townley Family Scholarship. The application deadline is September 30, 2024.

Apply here

External funding opportunities

We'll do our best to pass along any open calls for proposals or scholarship opportunities here. Feel free to email us if you know of any programs we should include!

The 1xbet online games login Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) and the American Public Health Association (APHA) 1xbet online games login and Health Committee are inviting current undergrad – post-graduate students interested in drinking 1xbet online games login to participate in a competitive call for posters. Submissions are due December 31, 2024.

Guidelines and submission details