engagement 1xbet online casino

A group of faculty discuss their work

Making connections through the Kansas 1xbet online casino Institute

Meeting the 1xbet online casino resource challenges within Kansas takes a head-on approach from all of us. KWI is working to bring together our colleges, communities, colleagues, and courses of study.

Upcoming Events

The institute helps support events at K-State and beyond. From documentary film screenings to symposia to panel discussions on the topic of 1xbet online casino , the Kansas 1xbet online casino Institute has plenty of plans in store! Join us at any or all of our upcoming events. If you or your department is interested in working with KWI to sponsor outreach or engagement pertaining to 1xbet online casino , get in touch with us.

CoSearch Workshop

The Kansas 1xbet online casino Institute will host a unique workshop opportunity for faculty this fall in Manhattan (October 18-19). The K-State CoSearch workshop will be an interactive and competitive two-day event where interdisciplinary teams will innovate 1xbet online casino -related research projects, plan a complete proposal, and pitch their ideas to a judging panel.

1xbet online casino Wednesdays

Each month, faculty and staff from every college, department and unit are invited to get together to learn about a new aspect of our work to solve difficult 1xbet online casino resource challenges. These informal gatherings give everyone a chance to meet someone outside of their normal departmental groups, and to discuss new and exciting ideas about interdisciplinary research. 1xbet online casino Wednesdays are an excellent opportunity to pitch a new project and connect with colleagues.

The long game and urgency of the Ogallala Aquifer

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