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Kansas 1xbet online games login Works Podcast

A whole new way to HEAR 1xbet online games login !

Even though we can't all be together in a room, we can still share the power of storytelling. Maybe now more than ever, we need the human connection that stories can give us. In a new partnership between the School of Music, 1xbet online games login and Dance and the A. Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communciations, we are launching the "Kansas 1xbet online games login Works" podcast for our 2020-21 1xbet online games login season. Inspired by L.A. 1xbet online games login Works, a leader in audio 1xbet online games login production, we will be presenting a season of plays by alumni playwrights (and Shakespeare--who is not an alumnus) and featuring Kansas State 1xbet online games login students and faculty.
Experience 1xbet online games login from the comfort and safety of your favorite listening device!

We'll post new episodes here as they arrive. Listen here or on your favorite podcast player.

Now Playing Student New Works

Thank you all so much for joining us in our podcast experiment. This is our last release for the 2020-21 season. But stay tuned--we may not be done with this format yet!

STUDENT NEW WORKS written and directed by Ian Boyd-Duncan and Meghan McGehee

Styx by Ian Boyd-Duncan

A spa. A lifetime. A river. When Oakley, a young person on the verge of a major crossroads in life takes a float therapy trip to meditate, they begin to navigate a rushing stream of memories and life paths with a mysterious fisherman named Ron, who has seen the world under a unique perspective. Together, they attempt to navigate the river of life in the new short play Styx by Ian Boyd-Duncan

Hate The Player by Meghan McGehee


Episode Catalog

Spring 2021 Productions

In Process title card Opera Title Card Jazz District

Fall 2020 Productions

Ho Ho No Gratitude Episode One Dead One Dying title Tales of the Weird book Macbeth title card

Bonus materials

We've put together design works, dramaturgical notes, artist interviews and more. Check out our most recent release, an interview with student playwright/directors Meghan McGeehee and Ian Boyd-Duncan.

Additional playwright interviews, dramaturgical blogs and visuals can be found on the Bonus Materials page.


Kansas 1xbet online games login Works is committed to bringing the 1xbet online games login to you. Although your support is not tax deductible, all proceeds directly impact students' education thru scholarships and program initiatives.