Student recital 1xbet online casino and Performance Checklist

Students interested in showcasing their talents should follow this checklist in preparation for their 1xbet online casino :

  1. Consult with your major/program Faculty Advisor.
  2. Consult the MTD 1xbet online casino Calendar and Room Schedule to determine an available date and venue.
  3. Consider who and what you want your audience to know about your 1xbet online casino :
    • Events listed on the MTD 1xbet online casino Calendar are most visible to MTD students and faculty.
    • Events listed on the University Calendar have a wider audience and are listed on the university calendar along with all of the other events at the university.
    • If listing on the University Calendar, a brief (2-3 sentence) description is helpful to inform your audience about the 1xbet online casino . This information is helpful in the next step - the 1xbet online casino Request Form.
  4. Complete an 1xbet online casino Request Form.
    • Remember that the 1xbet online casino Request Form should be completed for the performance of the 1xbet online casino . Rehearsals and other room use can be reserved through Kayla Engel in 109 McCain or via email (
  5. After completeing the 1xbet online casino Request Form, please allow 48-72 hours for a response. If you don't hear back in that time frame, please email Ben Stark ( and Kayla Engel (
  6. Once the date and venue is confirmed, rehearse. Then rehearse some more.
  7. Create a program for your 1xbet online casino . MTD chooses to provide digital programs for most events. A program template is linked above. This format provides simplicity and consistency among the various disciplines within MTD.
  8. Once your program is confirmed, send it to in both .pdf and .doc formats at least 48 hours prior to your 1xbet online casino .
  9. Your program will be posted to the 1xbet online casino and Dance,Sear for audience members to access.
  10. Each performance venue (All Faiths, Kirmser, Chapman Theatre, and McCain) has a display board near the venue entrance with a printed QR code linked to the 1xbet online casino and Dance page.
  11. If additional QR codes are needed, the file in both .pdf and .eps formats are linked above. Feel free to include them into PowerPoints or other audience materials.

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